Welcome to the Rifts: Archangel Vistor Desk. Leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. BEEEEP.

Doug - 11/10/00 05:10:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/dougey23/index.htm
My Email:dougey23@yahoo.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, AD&D, Heroes Unlimited
Whatta Ya Want:: Just a note...
Programmer?: I wished...
nice page wish i had the direction you do in my own. i am working on getting Rifts to the general public of bfe louisiana. if you know of any programs like your please notify me somehow.

Michel - 02/23/00 09:00:51
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, GURPS
Programmer?: Nope
Interesting topics, I'll be back to check on things which are not up yet. Good luck!

Devilin Coolflame - 01/16/99 17:07:14
My Email:daelen63@hotmail.com
Game(s) you play:: Any RPG I can get my hands on
Whatta Ya Want:: To Find as many RPGOnline as possible
Me and many others like me have been searching for pages and or chat rooms for Rifts, D&D, and several other RPG's. We found the WOD page and wish to know where to find the others you might be able to help us find the Rifts RPGOnline?

Asylum Keeper - 10/11/98 05:06:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/dungeon/2929/asylum.htm
My Email:asylum17@hotmail.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Heros, Star Wars, Robotech, Shadowrun
Whatta Ya Want:: A good life, some extra $$$ couldn't hurt
Programmer?: A tiny bit of QBasic
Cool site!!

Dave Linaker - 10/11/98 04:15:53
My Email:dlinaker@hotmail.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts
Whatta Ya Want:: To Congratulate You
Programmer?: a little on the side
Hey, I just wanna say thank you & congratulate you on a kille site & set of downloads they're great! thanx again guys... -Dave-

The Archangel - 10/06/98 15:11:26
My Email:D81@usa.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Illuminati
Whatta Ya Want:: Check up, Redesign
Programmer?: Heck yeah
After a MAJOR redesign of the sight that fully incorporates the black/blue motif, I will be putting up the specs and future plans for the Rifts Creator definitive edition. I am also going to coordinate with some people on the Netbook issues in the librar and get some more sections up that deal DIRECTLY with Rifts as a game. Keep on coming through with 4000+ hits

Beandip - 08/31/98 03:58:36
My Email:beandip@uswest.net
Game(s) you play:: rifts, ad&d, mage
Whatta Ya Want:: Sayin hi
Programmer?: not yet
Rifts is the best game in the country. Any pagemaster that has a rifts site to call their own should be blessed by a panthanon. Rifts rocks

The Archangel 17 - 08/03/98 18:16:03
My Email:the_archangel_16@usa.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, HU (almost)
Whatta Ya Want:: Checking in
Programmer?: Sure
Well, over 3000 hits when I went on vacation, so well, I'm proud of not only myself, but the people that love this page. I am striving for an update in about a week including a section of Shadow Magic and a Conversion of the Rings of Power from Tolkiens OTR and Hobbit. Thats all for now, lates

Josh Halko - 06/29/98 03:27:52
My Email:joshhalko@hotmail.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Nightspawn, AD&D, Rising Empires
Whatta Ya Want:: everbody to like me :-)
Programmer?: Not bloody hardly
I say to all who dare disagree that Rifts is the ultimate RPG, SCREW YOU! A Rifts Mage, Psychic, or 'Bot could kick the ass of anything else out there in the RPG universe.

The Archangel 16 - 06/22/98 16:44:58
My Email:the_archangel_16@usa.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts
Whatta Ya Want:: Check up
Programmer?: Yes
There have been mondo hits since I last checked in. This sight is turning out better than I thought it would. It started in December 97 and look what happened. Questions, Comments, Queries? Mail me

kelly fender - 06/07/98 00:24:40
My Email:mlightning@lowcountry.com

Francisco "Lucky" Leta-Pombo - 05/07/98 20:46:12
My Email:fangoriaboy666@yahoo.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Vampire, TMNT, Robotech, G.U.R.P.S., Champions
Whatta Ya Want:: To destroy the Splugorth at all costs!!!
Programmer?: Huh?!?!
Well...the site you maintain is a great place for people not really oriented with the Rifts universe to check out and just get hooked into one of the greatest RPG's ever created! I would love to get a campaign going with you, but I have NO idea where you ive. If you know anybody that lives in the Bay Area and plays Rifts, PLEASE do tell me, ok? Thanks a bunch!!! The Bounty Hunter from the Bay, Francisco "Lucky" Leta-Pombo

the archangel 16 - 05/07/98 19:05:13
My Email:the_archangel_16@usa.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Illuminati
Whatta Ya Want:: Update!
Programmer?: Yes
Welcome from the land of wonderment. The Creator Version 2.2 is up and running once again. Get it while it works. The visitor count is well more than expected and life is good. Later

Sean Briault - 05/03/98 07:43:26
My Email:Briault@netcom.ca
Game(s) you play:: ALL of rifts, AD&D, Nightbane,Heros' unlimited, Cyberpunk 2020, Robotech,etc., etc., etc., ......
Whatta Ya Want:: to say hi!
your site kicks @$$..... very cool. Keep up the good work.

Steven Read - 04/29/98 03:26:10
My Email:steven_read@hotmail
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, SR2
Like your page. I currently going through my list of sights and your was near the top. Like the background picture.

Beth Terry - 04/28/98 00:30:12
My Email:terry@pugetsound.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Heroes, White Wolf
Just dropping in to say hi.

The Archangel 16 - 04/27/98 18:03:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9101
My Email:the_archangel_16@usa.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts
Whatta Ya Want:: Just Checking In
Programmer?: Heck Yeah
To all you people who love.hate/no opinion the page, I have added some files. For example, I have some sparse monster files created on the Creator Version 2.2. I have another version of the Creator coming up with an importer for Quick Creates. Battle G oups Addons are coming as well. Just wait and see how this thing develops. Lay-Ta:::The Archangel 16

Kurt Nitz - 04/06/98 19:16:34
My Email:spock_81@mailexcite.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts
Programmer?: Yes
Your Page is the BOMB

Sandstorm - 03/11/98 00:47:05
My Email:sandstorm17@hotmail.com
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, Robotech/Macross2,HU, N&S, BTS and Nightbane
Whatta Ya Want:: See comments
Programmer?: no
I'm interested in getting some of my artwork posted on the Net and was wondering if anyone wanted to see it. E-mail me and I will send you some samples. Lots of Rifts,Robotech and Heroes Unlimited stuff (armor,robots,weapons,etc.) Thanks

Tragedy - 03/07/98 04:22:35
My Email:reno@bellatlantic.net
Game(s) you play:: Rifts, and many more
Whatta Ya Want:: Was looking for a Rifts Chat Room
Programmer?: little bit when i want to
i was hunting for a chat room, so far i haven't found one. But my main mission is to find players for an E-mail Rifts RPG. I have an on-going adventure currently with three players. If you know of a Rifts Chat Room, please write me back or if your inte ested in playing write and i'll tell you more.

Cross - 03/01/98 06:29:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/6596
My Email:WDUK@aol.com
Game(s) you play:: RIFTS!!!!
Whatta Ya Want:: Stacy
Programmer?: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?!?!!
great stuff, especially the downloads, good job, and keep up the good work. Check out my homepage sign my guestbook and tell me what ya think

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