Welcome to the Domain of the Archangel
Though much in charm and cheap effects we are sorely lacking
Pure emotion and uncanny truth, in these we are not slacking
Though they enter severally and part in peace,
Quite an undertaking it is to keep them all occupied
Or remember them in poetry, prose after they have gone and died
In memory or appearance, changing color, like the shearing of fleece.
Question of the (however long it takes me to update): Identify an Epic storyline (novel, movies, any media) which has had a large influence on your life.
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Choose thy path...

The Land of the Rifts
Emotions flowing freely in the Area of the Pen
Rock & Roll, music and the American Spirit
4: The Endless Journey, a
Final Fantasy Experience
Goodies and other essentials in Downloads
Links to the minds of others
May 20
Creator v3.1 is going to be up in the next few days, you will love the improvements.
The Archangel
You are seeker number

to pass through the Gates of Emotion