"Crisp & clean! The Most Exciting Thing to Hit the self-publishing industry since Gutenberg!" -- Cat Dragged Inn


Judas Goat Quarterly #21 is here!

Five Years and Running Strong!! (The scanner is down, so only old covers right now). But! JGQ continues in the spreading of painful truths and outrageous lies! Hard-core left-wing misery mixed with giggles and kicks to the groin. Soon the internet will be nothing but flashy sales pitches and the only thing for sale will be yesterday's half-remembered tv movie. Get a slice of Goat! Pick it up TODAY, before we're all reduced to sub-atomic particles!It's another 20 pages of mindless chatter designed to keep THEM off balance.

Please direct any all comments and questions to the email address listed below.

Judas Goat Quarterly is 20 Pages of eye-ripping action for only $1.50! (plus another buck for shipping)
That's a total of $2.50 -- the cheapest bit of entertainment left in the country!!
Here's some home spun rave reviews:
"Cool!" Nanc Schreiber
"That's pretty neat, Dad!" Gabrielle Schreiber
"It's a goat!" Elliot Schreiber.
Send Questions concerning subcriptions, cover art submissions, advertising fees and/or to just get more info to



Support the Goat! Be sure to buy several copies for family and friends!!