Hi!Grant Schreiber,your friendly host at
![]() This is the Lobby of the Cat Dragged Inn where I have links to my other amazing sites as well as links to some other cool stuff on the web. JUDAS GOAT QUARTERLY In Our Fifth Year! Lookout! Issue 21 of JGQ is out March 21st! Let's Roll Out the War Drums!It's the First Birthday of the Iraqi War! Light the candles! Fire the cannon! Raise the Flag high! And slaughter people who would never bother us! It's the joy of the last days of the Weimar Republic, given a delightful Disney touch. Fascism never looked friendlier, and we're cheerfully goosestepping to our doom. Our government is in revolution against us, time for the patriots out there to start a joyous riot against tyranny! Wanna join? Twenty Pages of snarling accusations, and foam-at-the-mouth humor all for your enjoyment! Here's a quickie link to the JUDAS GOAT PAGE!, called: The Judas Goat Page! BACK ISSUES in Limited Supply!: Four years of mindless ranting, comic book reviews groans of dispair and nervous giggling on the way to the gas chamber. What's not to like? Email for ordering details ![]() NEW!
And while you're at, get a shirt to cover your assets!
Links to other COOL sites on the Web
Here's an experiment in Fan-Fac:Minor Deities of Doomed Men!
APA, the most powerful hand gun in the world! NEW AND IMPROVED!
"If seeing is believing, then I'm one blind sucker...."
Some Days It Just Doesn't Pay To Get Out Of The Coffin!
FREEDOM OF SPEECH is great, but the guy at the copy shop still wants his dime. Support the Goat in any way you can! I readily accept cash, stamps, odd bits of wood, frozen pizza coupons, bad photos, untested drugs, lame clip art books, really bad horror comics, dumb comics, cheap-o magazines from the 60s & 70s, candy, wrapping paper, strange catalogues, postcards from truck stops where you fear for your life, coloring books from Right Wing groups and love poems written by weeping pigs. Am more than willing to trade zines with other zinesters. In horrible need of COVER ART - I can't pay anything, but I can give CREDIT! Sweet, huh? Please email for more info about JUDAS GOAT at cavesofchaos@hotmail.com Ready For Orders!!
Hey! So far, I've looked at my own webpage this many times:
A rambling copyright of Grant Schreiber with the groovy sign and logo by Beej Martin, former CM of Legends and all around swell human being.