LEGENDS is bimonthly publishing alliance devoted to
comics in general, with an emphasis on DC Comics.
Our members come from across North America, we present
to you here a short primer on APA's and how you can join us!

Amateur Press Alliance's or APA's have been around since the earliest days of comics fandom back in the late 1950's.
These groups have been forums for the discussion of comics and other popular media as well as serving as a training ground for many of the comics professionals currently working today.
In fact, one of our current members - J. Torres - is having great success with his independent comic, The Copy Book Tales - printed and distributed by Slave Labor Graphics. (Please goto J's site for more on The Copy Book Tales) and is now introducing a new comic: Siren 3-part miniseries which will be coming Spring 1998 from Image Comics.
Another member, Mark Stegbauer, has been working as a freelance inker for DC Comics (Batman Adventures) and for Image Comics (Badger). Former members: Nancy Champion has become lead artist for Meridian Designs' gaming systems and Jay Naylor has been self-publishing his Big Monster Fight comic under the Kid Gang Comics company label.
Many of our membership use their experience being in the APA to forge numerous friendships, exchange constructive criticism and providing a forum for their foundling efforts as writers and artists of comics.

How does an APA work???
Simply put each member is responsible for producing at least two pages of original material every two months. The member is also responsible for copying enough for all the participants -- our current copy count is 35 -- collating and stapling as necessary and sending their contribution to the duly elected Central Mailer (CM).
The CM then collates all of the submissions into volumes and mails the completed mailing back out to the membership.
LEGENDS current deadline is the first Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Mailing expenses are the responsibility of each member along with an initial membership fee of $5.00 each. All additional costs, such as envelopes, copying costs and ancillary items are divided equally amongst the membership.

If you are interested in comic books, please drop us a line and we will be happy to send you more information on how to join us in LEGENDS.

For more information
please contact:

Michael J. Norton, LEGENDS President & Central Mailer/2000

LEGENDS online members can now get together for chats in our own JAVA-based chat room.
(Chat schedules to be posted.)
Goto LEGENDS chat!

Many LEGENDS online members also have webpages up featuring their various special interests, favorite comics and projects.
Goto LEGENDS Links!

Take a look at a sampling of LEGENDS past and present as well as some of our members' projects.

Goto LEGENDS previews!

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