X-Men: Trek Wars by Ben Church All Star Trek Characters are the property of Paramount. All X-Men Characters are the property of Marvel Comics. All Star Wars Characters are the property of Lucasfilm. Cindel Towani is the property of Lucasfilm. Allexia and Allandria Evlan are the property of West End Games. Doma Fett, Cybo, Anhalleh Starbore and Namok Yarn are my idea. Chapter 6 Leia Organa Solo and Admiral Ackbar flew steadily towards the Forest Moon of Endor where the conference was to be held. "Princess, you look as excited as little girl going on her first space cruise." Ackbar commented good naturedly. "Yes I suppose I do." Leia admitted. "This conference could gain the New republic powerful allies in our fight against this Second Imperium that Luke told us about." "Yes well-" A Romulan Warbird decloaked ahead of them. "By the Force! What manner of ship is that?" "Don't panic Ackbar," Leia said. They may be friendly." The Romulans soon assured her otherwise however with a burst from their borrowed ion cannon. "Um, I think we may be a little late for the conference." Ackbar said unsteadily. Tomaluk smiled at the veiwscreen. This was really to easy. They had captured Ambassador Troi and her daughter without trouble and now they were about to capture this Princess Leia just as easily. "Commander!" the tactical officer spoke, alarmed. "An unidentified vessel has just decloaked off the port bow! It matches no known configuration!" "On Screen!" Tomaluk ordered. The ship vaguely resembled a Star Destroyer, but it was sleeker, smoother. Bigger. It had no tower for it's bridge, and the wedge shape sharpened to a point. Tomaluk gaped. On the bridge of the mysterious ship, a man of about 30 swiftly took in the situation. "Cindel," he addressed a young woman with long curly blond hair. "Tell the hostile ship to get out of here. Or we'll destroy them." "Isn't that a bit harsh?" she asked. "So it's a bluff. Sue me." Cindel grinned and sent the message. The captain of the ship turned towards another young woman on the bridge. "Allexia my love," "I'm Allandria." the woman said with a smile. "Don't you think that by now I'd be able to tell my own wife from her sister?" the captain said grinning. "Now stop messing with my head and get that Y wing into the hanger bay." "Anything for you dear." Allexia said. The ship's tractor beam locked onto the helpless ship. Moments later, the Romulans, not about to lose their prize, also locked a tractor beam onto the ship. "What is this? Tug o' war? Doma take out that tractor beam." Doma's hands flew across the console and a beam of light flashed from the nose of the ship, passed right through the Romulan ship's shields and destroyed the tractor emitters. "Damage report!" Tomaluk yelled when the deck finished moving. "Hull breach on deck 34, tractor beam is not operational. Sir our shields were useless." "I can see that you idiot. Get us out of here." "Yes sir." "Well I see we finished this ship just in time your Highness." the captain said. "Yes you did Namok." Leia said. "You and your friends have done very well." "I must say," Ackbar commented as he looked at the massive hanger deck around him. "I'm glad more than ever that this ship never got into the hands of the Empire." Years ago, before the first Death Star, Namok had been the son of the director of the Imperial Shipyards on Kuat. For three years he leaked information to the Rebel Alliance through Allexia and Allandria Evlan. Until one night, Namok's father received a visit from Grand Moff Tarkin. Tarkin had given Namok's father orders to build a new ship for the Empire. Namok's father had been delighted at the honor. He saw it as a huge leap on his journey to being Grand Moff himself one day. Namok, with the help of Allandria and his girlfriend Allexia had escaped with the plans. Now, 15 years after the battle of Endor, Princess Leia had sent an order to the secret weapons installation/scouting outpost to build the ship. "Whose freighter is that?" Ackbar asked. Indicating an old ship at the end of the bay. "That sir," Namok said proudly. "Is the Phoenix. She's the ship that got us off that Imperial prison planet." "Is Wannako here?" Leia asked. The smuggler had been a great asset to Namok and his friends when they had returned to Kuat to destroy the prototype of the Supership. "He's around here somewhere. So are D9 and Twilo." R2-D9 and Twilo Manar were Wannako's crew. "Yo Namok!" a voice echoed across the immense hanger. "Allexia says we're almost to Endor!" Leia turned to see who had spoken and drew in a sharp breath. Beside her, Ackbar swore. "Boba Fett!" Leia said, barely keeping control of her anger. "What are you doing here?" Doma sighed inwardly. He knew this would happen sooner or later. It was time to face the music. "I'm afraid you have me mistaken for someone else your Highness. But I suppose you're not far off. Boba Fett, is my father." To be continued...