X-Men Trek Wars by Ben Church All Star Trek Characters belong to Paramount, all Star Wars characters belong to Lucasfilm, all X-Men Characters belong to Marvel. send all feedback to bchurch@su.edu Chapter 5 Luke crept silently down the corridor, feeling with the force to find the evil creatures that he knew were there. Suddenly, he ignited his lightsaber and swiped it at the ceiling. With a screech, the alien dropped to the floor before him. It's right arm had been cut off and greenish blood dropped from the wound, sizzling as it hit the floor. It was hideous, twisted with the dark side of the force. Luke had seen an image of it in an ancient Jedi holocron over ten thousand years old. They had been created by the ancient Sith race to serve them but instead they had wiped out the Sith. With another swipe of his lightsaber, he cut off it's elongated head. The Predator watched silently. It had come to hunt the Aliens, but here it had found a truly wonderful challenge. Luke sensed another presence behind him and quickly spun just in time to block a blast by the Predator's shoulder cannon. Luke saw nothing, but the force told him something was there. And Luke knew where it was. He reached out with the force and found the creature's mind. *There is nothing worth hunting here* he told it. "There is nothing worth hunting here." the Predator thought. *You must find prey elsewhere.* "I must find prey elsewhere." the Predator thought. And with that, he left. Luke smiled, glad that another confrontation had been avoided. Anhalleh Starbore flexed her arms, desperately trying to free herself and therefore hopefully avoid the fate which awaited her. All around her hung the bodies of the other colonists, their chests burst open from the inside. Before her lay an egg. Fortunately, it had not opened. Yet. Even with all the remaining strength in her twelve arms, she was unable to escape. Anhalleh began to cry. she did not want to die. Especially not the way the others had. "It's O.K." a voice said. She looked up in amazement. A sandy haired young man was at her side, freeing her from her bonds. "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you." Luke suddenly saw her eyes widen with terror, and a sudden jolt in the force alerted him to the danger. The egg before her had opened, releasing the face hugger inside. Using the force, Luke cut it down before it could reach them. Then the nest exploded with activity. "Han, open the ramp!" Luke's voice came from the comlink. Han smiled. Now maybe they could get going. Then he saw what was chasing Luke. "What the hell are those things?! Chewie, waste 'em!" With a growl, his first mate Chewbacca rushed for the lower quad guns. "Good heavens!" Threepio shouted. "Master Luke!" The lower quad guns of the Falcon opened up on the horde of aliens pursuing Luke and his companion. Aliens died by the thousands, but they kept coming. Luke used the force to keep the acid blood off them. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he reached the ramp. "It's too high!" Anhalleh screamed. "We'll never make it!" "Yes we will." Luke said calmly. "Trust me. Now hold on." He wrapped an arm around her waist and jumped. An ordinary man would not have made it. But with the force, Luke was able to jump twice as high as a normal man. He snagged the edge of the ramp with one hand. "Grab hold of the ramp and pull yourself up!" he said. Anhalleh did so, then turned give Luke a hand up. But as she turned, she saw him grab hold with his other hand and quickly pulled himself up. As soon as they were in, Han raised the ramp and blasted out of the atmosphere, glad to once again be on their way. "Excuse me sir," said a female voice behind him. Han turned in his seat to face the girl that Luke had rescued. "Yeah kid?" "May use your comm system?" "What you wanna call home? Sure go for it." "Thank you." she said with a sad smile. Her homeworld no longer existed. It had been destroyed by a race much like the one that had wiped out her colony. The Borg. As far as she knew, the colony had been the only group to have escaped. Now she was the last of her kind. She activated the comm, and contacted the computer on the colony. "Set self destruct, no count down." Behind them, the colony was erased from existence in a fireball the size of a Super Star Destroyer. Removing the alien threat from the planet. Jacen gazed in amazement at the Mogwai. It had just used the force! A morsel of food had fallen from Jacen's plate, and the Mogwai had redirected it to his own! "Wow!" Jaina said. "We've got to let Uncle Luke know about him!" "This is a fact." Tenel Ka stated. Lowie growled an agreement. "Hey Giz," Skip said indignantly. "How come you never told me you could do that?" "Does he speak standard? Or even Melmacian for that matter?" "Uh, no." Out of the corner of his eye, Skip saw Gizmo bring the food up to his mouth. "Yo Lando, what time is it bud?" "About 2400 why?" "Sorry, Gizmo dude, feeding times over." Gizmo realized what he had almost done, and dropped the food as if it were a hot coal. He was, as far as he knew the last of his kind. And he had no desire to force his new friends to kill him. To be continued...