X-Men: Trek Wars by Ben Church All X-Men Characters are the property of Marvel Comics. All Dragonlance characters are the property of TSR. Chapter 4B The companions crossed the river just as the last rays of the sun faded from the sky. As they crossed, an eerie change came over the ferry and the river. At the start of their journey, the ropes of the pulley system were in good condition. But as they crossed further towards the opposite bank, the ropes and even the ferry itself began to decay before their eyes. Hotshot realized with a start that this must be how Raistlin saw everything. But most disturbing was the river. It began as a clear and sparkling tributary. But as they crossed, it began to darken until it was a deep red. "Smells like blood." Wolverine growled. "Thanks Wolverine, that's just what I needed to hear." Jubilee said nervously. They had just reached the opposite bank and were unloading their supplies, when the failing ropes gave way and the raft drifted away in the current. At that moment, the light completely failed, and the river began to glow with a ghostly light. Hotshot peered into the dark forest and shuddered. "Ch, ch, ch, ha, ha, ha." he said in a low voice. Jubilee glared and elbowed him in the ribs. Had she not been wearing her shades, he would have seen the fear in her eyes. "Raistlin, your staff." Tanis said. His voice startled everyone, even Caramon. "Shirak." Raistlin's staff began to glow, but instead of it's usual bright illuminating light, it was a pale light like that from a blacklight. It seemed to make the mage's eyes glow. "All right I'm officially spooked." Hotshot muttered. "You an' me both mon ami. An' Gambit don' spook easy." the Cajun agreed. "We must enter the forest." Raistlin said in a shaking voice. He turned and stumbled into the forest. The rest stood on the shore staring into the forest. Hotshot stood, his terror barely contained. Around him, the others stood also frightened. But none could decide what they were scared of. "Um, Wolverine, do you smell anything in there?" Caramon asked. "Death Caramon, hate to say it. But that's what I smell." "Everyone be on your guard." Cyclops said. "We don't know what's in there." "Raistlin's right however." Tanis said. "We have to go in, to find shelter. F-follow Raistlin." Even as they moved, Hotshot noticed the tremor in Tanis' voice. As they entered the forest however, Hotshot suddenly could not move. He had never felt such unbridled terror in his life. Even Wolverine's eyes were wide with fear. Then, all strength left his body and he sank trembling with the others to the forest floor. The trees were moving. Their roots clawed at the ground trying to escape their torment. They screamed in pain and terror and they wept blood. A green mist filtered around everything. It reminded Hotshot of a thousand horror movies he'd seen, but never had he thought he'd see it in real life. Suddenly, he was walking again. Surrounded by the others he was walking towards the tower. Though the terror was still there, and undiminished, they were able to move again. Then suddenly Tas screamed in terror. Hotshot whirled and saw Tas staring in horror at the trees. "But Kender don't get scared." he said to himself. Then he realized that Tas wasn't even supposed to be here! But near Tas were Sturm, Laurana, Flint and... Hotshot's eyes widened in surprise and joy. The other X-Men! Arc Angel, Colossus, Bishop, Storm, Jean Grey and Iceman! All were flesh and blood and as terrified as the others. Then the nightmare worsened. Horribly deformed animals bounded from the forest ridden by skeleton warriors. One of the things rode at Hotshot. He thrust his hands at the creature and sent a beam of pure heat at it. His power had no effect on it, and it kept coming. But his many hours in the danger room had served him well. He dodged effortlessly and lashed out with his sword. The blade passed through the apparition and it vanished without a trace. Hotshot had emerged unscathed. But Caramon was not so lucky. Rastlin's magic proved as ineffective as the X-Men's powers. A warrior speared Caramon through the shoulder. Raistlin, his eyes ablaze with fury. Threw his dagger and the creature vanished. Goldmoon rushed to the big warrior's side. She placed her hand over the wound and offered up a prayer to Mishakal and the wound was healed. Suddenly, both Jean and Psylocke started, and began to look around them frantically. "There's someone else here." Jean said. "Someone powerful." Indeed there was, and it seemed that Raistlin knew exactly where, and who he was. "You!" he whispered. "Who is it? Caramon asked weakly. All had heard the horror in the mage's voice. "Who do you mean?" "Raistlin, who is this entity?" Jean asked. Psylocke shook her head. "I just can't penetrate his shielding." Raistlin, intent upon another conversation, did not answer. "I need your aid," the mage said sternly. "Now as before." "Who're you talkin to bub?" Wolverine demanded. Raistlin, oblivious to all, reached out his hand to the center of the clearing. "Jean, Psylocke! Break the link!" Tanis yelled. Even as Caramon clutched at his brother. "No Raist!" Raistlin's hand dropped. Cyclops looked at Jean, but she shook her head. She had done nothing. "Our bargain remains." Raistlin said. "What? You want more?" He sighed. "Name it!" For what seemed like an endless length of time, the mage stood silent in the clearing. His head tilted to the side as if listening intently. "Very well," he said at last. "I accept." And then to everyone's horror, his robes began to change. The red robes that marked his neutrality in the world, began to deepen to crimson, then darken to a blood red, then darken more-to black. Wolverine growled, Jubilee gasped and Cyclops' visor flashed. Only Hotshot voiced what they were thinking. "Oh shit." "I accept this," Raistlin repeated more calmly. "With the knowledge that the future can be changed. What must we do?" A shout behind him, signaled to Hotshot that the battle was once again joined. For the most part, their mutant powers served little purpose, though Wolverine, Colossus and Arc Angel were able to dispose of many of their adversaries. Hotshot heard Raistlin speak again, but paid it no mind. He was too busy slashing at undead enemies with his sword. Powerful lightning flashed into the supernatural army, and they vanished. Hotshot turned to thank Storm, but instead found himself facing Raistlin. "Come around me!" the mage commanded his companions. No one moved. He was their friend true, but he wore the black robes of evil. The army returned but were stopped by an invisible wall. "Come to stand near me." The companions were astonished to hear Raistlin speak-for the first time since his tests- in a normal voice. "Hurry." he added. "They will not attack now, they fear me. But I cannot hold them long." Slowly, one by one the companions crept forward. Finally, only Sturm and Wolverine remained outside the circle. "Nothin' doin' bub." Wolverine growled. "I always knew it would come to this." the knight said slowly. "I will die before I place myself under your protection Raistlin." And with that, the knight and mutant strode into the forest. The leader of the army of skeletons bade some of his men to follow them. Tanis and Jubilee started after them. "Let them go," the mage said sternly, "or we are all lost. I have information to impart and my time is limited. We must make our way through this forest to the Tower of the Stars. We must walk the way of death, for every hideous creature ever conceived in the twisted, tortured dreams of mortals will rise to stop us. But know this-we walk in a dream, Lorac's nightmare. And our own nightmares as well. Visions of the future can arise to help us-or hinder. Remember, that though our bodies are awake, our minds are asleep. Death only exists in our minds. Unless we believe it otherwise." "Nightmare on Elm part two-thousand and twenty-five." Hotshot muttered. Tas looked at him quizzically. "Then why can't we wake up?" "Ouch!" Hotshot glared at Tas. "You're supposed to pinch yourself in order to wake up you putz." Raistlin continued, ignoring the shenanigans around him. "Because Lorac's belief in the dream is too strong and your belief too weak. When you are firmly convinced, beyond a doubt, that this is a dream, you will return to reality." "Reality is over rated." Hotshot said. "You and that Kender deserve each other." Flint said. "Then why don't you wake up?" Tanis challenged him. "Perhaps," Raistlin smiled. "I choose not to." "Did that sound ominous to anyone else?" Iceman asked. "I don't understand." Tanis said. "You will. Or you will die. In which case, it will not matter." "Oh dear," Beast said. "I did not like the sound of that at all." The following events seemed a blur of nightmarish events. In the next attack, the true nightmare began. Just after they had started off, the undead army attacked once again. Hotshot turned at the sound of a beast charging towards him. But he turned too late. Almost before he realized what was happening, he felt the thing's spear stab cleanly between his ribs, through his heart and out the back. He fell, his scream choked off by the rush of blood that poured out his mouth. The spear point pierced the ground when he landed, pinning him to the ground. Dimly, he heard Jubilee shout his name. Through blurred eyes, he saw her come towards him, a look of horror on her face. Then his eyes closed. He was dead, but the dream was not over yet, he saw the adamantium ripped out of Wolverine's body, he saw Flint die of old age, he saw Tas poisoned, he saw Tika die defending him, and then he saw all the X-Men turn to crystal, and shatter. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS!" The alarm woke Cybo from his strange dream. He stood from his bed. "Armor on." His armor appeared on his body, the force field automatically switching on. He held his gun and twirled it on his finger. "It's party time." he said grimly. To be continued...