X-Men: Trek Wars By Ben Church I doubt the folks at Marvel, Paramount or Lucasfilm are gonna read this anyway. Epilogue "Captain's Log, stardate 43592.3: Following the attack on the New Republic planet Coruscant, all parties involved were reunited with their missing Crewmen, and or friends, with one exception. Though casualties on our side were light, the Imperial Guard lost one of their number while he attempted to stave off the combined forces of the Romulans and Imperial troops from the palace on Coruscant. Princess Leia, of the New Republic assures me that there is no way anyone could have survived a fall of such magnitude. "The Starjammers have left for Earth, to return the X-Men to their home. "Despite the complications of the Romulan Plot, the negotiations are going quite smoothly, and I look forward to a fruitful alliance soon. "I am also happy to report that Mr. Worf's promotion has been approved by Starfleet." Picard sat back in his chair, nursing a cup of Earl Grey tea. Q appeared with a flash of light and a satisfied smile on his face. "Well that was exciting wasn't it Jean Luc?" "Q." Picard decided to ignore him, hoping he'd go away. "Oh come now Jean Luc, aren't you the least bit curious about what I have to say?" "No. I've given up attempting to figure you out Q. I simply wish that you would stop meddling with my crew." "Not everything is about you Picard." "Excuse me?" "Oh, I admit that you a small part it. But all of that `meddling' as you call it was merely to amuse myself while I waited for the right moment. My real purpose for being here has nothing to do with you and probably won't ever effect you in the least." Picard thought back to all the things Q had done in the past few days that had not involved him or his crew. Luke had said that Q had transported him to the Death Star to comfort Jubilee, and Anhalla said that she and Cybo, or Roge as some had called him had suddenly found themselves somewhere else. A scowl crossed Picard's face. "That boy is dead because of you." he said. "Was that your purpose? To kill and innocent young man?" "Kill?" Q asked, shocked. "Dead?" Suddenly, he laughed. "Oh Jean Luc you never cease to amuse me!" Data strode down the hall with C-3PO, glad that he was finally getting a chance to talk with him. "What is the role of Androids in your society?" Data asked him. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand." Threepio admitted. "There are many of you are there not?" "Oh yes, in fact we are so common, we are almost another species." "I myself am unique." Data said. "My creator Dr. Soong created only one other, but I was forced to destroy him in order to safe guard the Federation." "Good heavens how awful!" "Indeed. I have been granted all the rights of a citizen of the Federation and have been recognized as a sentient life-form. What of Droids in this sector?" "Ah, I see your meaning now. Droids are originally created as servants, but due to our sentient nature, we do not often remain so. That is, if we are blessed with a good master." "One other thing intrigues me." Data continued. "You have been made to appear humanoid, but not human. I have been made to look as human as possible. And yet, your personality is more human than mine. You have emotions, I do not. You can use contractions, I cannot." "A most intriguing situation indeed." Threepio agreed. "All right," Han said, frowning. "Now, a Royal Flush beats a pair right?" "That's right." Riker smiled. He had taken it upon himself to initiate a fruitful contact with the New Republic by teaching General's Solo and Calrissian Poker. Lando had promised to teach him Sabbac when they were done. *So tell me young man,* Lawaxana thought. *What is this, Force?* Deanna smiled as Luke began to explain the principals of the Force to her mother and her. She knew what was really on her mother's mind. *Please Little One,* Lawaxana admonished. *Pay attention.* Jaina and Lowie helped Skip load up his ship. "Where will you go now?" Jaina asked. "Well, I hear New Melmac's a great place this time of year, but first I've gotta go pick up my friend Gordon on an alternate Earth." "Hey Skip!" Jacen called from across the bay. "Gizmo has something he wants to say to you." Jacen and Tenel Ka strode across the bay towards the ship. Gizmo rode on Jacen's shoulder, and Tenel Ka was carrying the tribble, it's purring putting a rare smile on her face. "By Skip." Gizmo said sadly. "So long Giz." skip said, equally as sad. "Take good care of him kid." "I will." "You seem to be quite taken with that Tribble." Skip said to Tenel Ka. "This is a fact." she replied. "Master Skywalker says that it's purring may help us in our meditation exercises." "Well just watch how much you feed it." Skip cautioned her. "It won't die of starvation, so unless you want a hundred more of those things, it might be better if you don't feed it at all." Gizmo's ears pricked up, as he, Jacen, Jaina, Tenel Ka, and Lowie detected the use of the force from across the bay. Skip turned to look at what they were staring at and opened his eyes wide. A vent cover was glowing white, and then melted before his eyes. A slim, dirty young man in a ripped black skin-suit crawled out of the vent. "Do you people have any idea how far down that thing goes?" the boy asked, amazed. "Who are you?" Jacen asked. "Me? Oh, I'm the guy that jumped off the roof." "What?" Jaina asked incredulously. "How in the world did you survive?" "Now that," the boy said. "Is an amazingly long story." Next: Back to Earth! The Phalanx! And the return of...you'll see. (As if you haven't guessed by now) All right folks, I hope I'm not the only one who realizes the potential for Star Wars, Star Trek, and Star Jammers stories that could result from this story! If anyone out there wants to write such a story, go for it! Then e-mail it to me and I'll put it on my page! Suggested story lines: A Vulcan at the Jedi Academy, any star trek species attending Star Fleet Academy, a story with the Borg, Phalanx, Skrulls, the possibilities are endless!