Welcome to my Guestbook!

Andrea - 12/17/00 01:24:19
My Email:Muffinloaf@aol.com
How'd You Find Me?: surfing the net

Hey Ben! It's Andrea from Hair and JCS. I was being like Kylie and looking up my name online and found this page. It's great! Email me sometime. Andrea

Brandon, G'Nort, and Supernova - 12/08/00 22:32:16
My Email:greenlantern@address.com
How'd You Find Me?: Search Engine

Dude, you never told me you had such a wonderful page. Do the others know about this?? By the way, bro, I am jealous, yer better looking than me!!

Kylie Johnston - 10/16/00 05:11:47
My URL:http://www.gmu.edu/org/apathy
My Email:xkyx@youareadork.com
How'd You Find Me?: I searched my own name on the net... I was bored!!!!

Hey BEN!!!! What's up, it's Kylie from Hair... I was wondering if you have that pic of me that's on your website... I sure would like to see it! It's so tiny on the page... :) E-mail me sometime! Seeya! -Ky* P.S. Oh yeah, would you add my multimedia magazine (the URL above) to your links? Thanks!

Michele - 10/03/00 19:09:35
My URL:http://www.alternate-realities.net
My Email:alternaterealities@hotmail.com
How'd You Find Me?: Surfing

Liked the corny crossover ideas. I needed a laugh.

Christina Dritschilo - 09/22/00 03:16:19
My Email:wotever@bu.edu
How'd You Find Me?: backstepped from an x-men fan fic page

just thought i'd share one of the stupidest things a friend has ever said to me. You know how in really small towns sometimes people leave their cars idling while they run into the local store. I was with a couple of my friends (we're greasers, of cours we have nothing better to do than to hang out outside of Wal-Mart **boo-hisss**) discussing the possibility of stealing the car. Finally, my best friend Anne (names have been changed to protect the innocent) put the argument to rest by saying, "...anywa s, I can't steal that car, I don't have my learner's permit." P.S. Really loved your stories.

adrian dilon - 06/23/00 19:28:26

what a wickied page i dont realy get to express my coment on all the class web sites !!!!!!!!!!!1 #but on this one i can sa the two thums are up

- 06/08/00 06:21:24
My Email:do u have to know?
How'd You Find Me?: surfing,lucky hands

Do you really like Cristina Ricci? Think 100 times men. You got rude IDOL." opposite of sex" really sucks me, I'm definitely against Homo... and I bet you they will burn in hell. RATHER...change your Fave Actress. Try TORI SPELLING STILL VIRGIN IN BEV..90 10.ha ha ha ha I like your story, Vampire Slayer COOOL MAN!!!! I'm not trying to offened you but I'm just telling the truth. Thanks man

Ambrosia - 06/05/00 17:39:26
How'd You Find Me?: Looking up Gargoyales

Pretty cool webpage, I found that we have a lot in commen, I also like Dolphins and scifi stuff. Keep adding those cute pics.

SkareKrow - 05/28/00 14:58:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/krow/index.html
My Email:Skarekrow666@aol.com,Brandonsboi@aol.com,Vision of Plague@aol.com
How'd You Find Me?: surfed in

Coolies page

DrunkenBabe - 05/23/00 00:22:45
My Email:angel242@home.com
How'd You Find Me?: Friend

Wow!! Love this page. Wish there was Godzilla on this, though. Is that even a comic?? Well, I just love Godzilla fanfic. Byez, peaches.

Amanda - 04/06/00 19:42:27
My Email:s_w_e_e_t_i_e_2000@hotmail.com

Very good work that you have done here, i must say. Bye

Brendan Crowther - 03/25/00 20:50:04
My URL:http://i.am/5by5
My Email:morn@idirect.com
How'd You Find Me?: "Fan Fiction on the Net"

Wow, your stories are incredible! I especially like the Buffy the Vampire Slayer ones. I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing a Buffy the Vampire series for my website's fanfiction project? If you're interested, check out: http://webhome.id rect.com/~morn/ficmain.htm

Angel - 03/22/00 13:01:10
My Email:damprat@hotmail.com
How'd You Find Me?: Looking up Superboy!

Hey man!Your page rules.Totally.I love Superboy,I think he's sexy AS.I love Oz,too,Buffy's my fave show.Did you see when Willow was caught by Faith in the Mayor's office in high school?Buffy and Wesley were arguing about what to do,and Oz just gets up sil ntly and slams this cauldron that Wesley wanted to use against the wall,effectively eliminating that option.I consider that Oz's finest moment.BAMM!Cauldron goes down.I must of watched that 20 times.Go Oz! Anyway,keep up the great work with your page,keep the Superboy pride alive!

Tina MacDonald - 02/16/00 22:53:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/titania/index.html
My Email:westwind_minstrel@yahoo.com
How'd You Find Me?: you told me :P

I like...don't really have much to say, nice pics. Really got a kick out of them, and yes, alfredo is still the best food ever.

Nancy - 11/24/99 13:03:53
My Email:saundance@prodigy.net

Your site was recommended on the discussion thread that I read. That's salon.net tabletalk. I read a few of your stories (Buffy/Angel) and I've enjoyed them.

Spencer Cox - 11/09/99 20:01:49
My Email:ZombieLucky777@hotmail.com
How'd You Find Me?: lucky

this is the end , Not ! we will go on and kill all of you , strip the flesh from your bones and feed your hollow carcasses to the carrion ! eternum sanctum noctum

- 09/15/99 23:57:01
How'd You Find Me?: Lotta pointing and clicking.

Cool page... but... Apocolyptic.

- 08/02/99 15:38:34
My URL:/TheTropics/Bay/5537/index.htm


Agent Cee - 07/21/99 13:49:55
My Email:carlaw@ameritech.net
How'd You Find Me?: Followed a link from Ben Church's site (He claims to be your brother. Is that true?)

Really nice page! I love weirdness in any shape or form I can find it, and your page looks to be a veritable Garden of Earthly Delights! Well, these are just first impressions, since I've only just arrived here. I'm off to do some browsing now...catch ya ater!

Pyre again - 06/22/99 09:00:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/3595/pyredex.com

duh, I just noticed all the RIFTS stuff and I feel sufficiently unobservant now...

Pyremroph Flux - 06/22/99 08:56:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nebula/3595/pyredex.html
My Email:Pyremorph@hotmail.com
How'd You Find Me?: another guestbook

I love you MSTing of Aliens! Do you have any fanfic from any of those rpg's you talked about? I have trouble finding rpg fanfic, not counting crpg's, which we all know don't count:) So are you related to Marshal Church of BP fame? (j/k)

Pinocchio/Buffy - 04/12/99 04:16:20
My Email:wrc_angel_pg13@hotmail.com
How'd You Find Me?: You e-mailed me the addy, silly!

Fun page...the pics cracked me up...you should get the ones from Studebaker's at Halloween on there, too. Yes, I noticed the obscure Les Mis reference in the mug shot, and I laughed hysterically. Okay, I'm going to bed now! P.S. You need to get some BtVS quotes up there, and how about a few more Mac Bozman's?? "so to speak"

Serena Blase - 03/29/99 20:29:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/4923/
My Email:serenablase@yahoo.com
How'd You Find Me?: well, you e-mailed me :-)

Your page is really cool looking. Thanks for telling me about it. I told you I'd pay you back!

Monica - 03/22/99 06:16:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/lair/4970
My Email:Monnie73@yahoo.com
How'd You Find Me?: Ran a search for fanfic.

Love your page! The stories are inspired and very well done. Write more! :)

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