OVERTHRONE Bring the souls of virgins, Blood-sacrifice Harvest the wings of angels, Feathers of pride Devour hearts of preachers, Weaken the hand of God The tomb is open, He will awaken Darkest force Blackest might Behemoth King Overlord through aeons On the overthrone From above the heavens he will rule Below the Earth God will burn Strengthen the new ruler through murder and suicide Gag on blood, Others and yours Darkest force Blackest might Behemoth King Overlord through aeons God is overthrown Dimensions of wrath unleashed The end of days finally reached Death to the christian whores The Behemoth smashes his jaws Mary revived - A spear through the womb Jesus unborn - The day of the sword Dimensions of chaos released Suffer before the Beast Behemoth King Overlord through aeons Behemoth King Overlord through aeons On the overthrone God is overthrown Behemoth King Overlord