FIST FULL OF HATE A gleaming dagger in the night and I am pinned Between the shoulders, Out of reach Set me up for the kill Breach the walls and break on through The hour is right The first of many more to come Just bleed me dry No! No way to save this light Just run it straight into the ground Send shards throughout the endless night No! This pattern found too late But the fuel for my existance still remains A fist full of hate The broken promise is the cleanest of all lies So much easier to deny To keep your conscience clear But it's falling now on deaf ears That time has passed Once friend, no more, one's plenty I'm breathing still No! No way to save this light Just run it straight into the ground Send shards throughout the endless night No! This pattern found too late But the fuel for my existance still remains A fist full of hate Nothing remains Nothing but dust Ashes and flaring embers Suffocating what is left No! No way to save this light No! Just run it straight into the ground No! No way to save this light Just run it straight into the ground Send shards throughout the endless night No! This pattern found too late But the fuel for my existance still remains A fist full of hate