Last Updated April 24, 2004

Science Fiction Stories


Once again, I hadn't realized how long it had been since I updated this site, until Yahoo sent me their "update the site or we'll take it away" notice. I've been mostly blocked on writing, the last three years, which is part of why I've not updated this site.

My Work-in-progress

Here are early versions of the first three chapters of the novel I'm currently writing. These are the last previews I'll publicly post, until I have managed to finish the novel and sell it to a publisher.

Sendmail, Chapter 1

Sendmail, Chapter 2

Sendmail, Chapter 2


Second Contact, Chapter 6 Athena finds life on Glenn Station isn't going to be much fun.

Second Contact, Chapter 5 We meet a new character, not the nicest fellow. Ari prepares for her meeting. And Athena leaves the hospital.

Second Contact, Chapter 4 Athena learns just how badly messed up she is . . .

Second Contact, Chapter 3 When you were in college, did you ever wish you could skip finals and jump straight into work?

Second Contact, Chapter 2 Events continue, with unexpected consequences.

Second Contact, Chapter 1 The first chapter of a novel-in-writing. Two completely disconnected characters. Or are they?

Short Stories

Warrior Chuck Desaxe was two months from receiving his commission when the budget cuts came. Should he be one that the Army didn't commission?

Guardian The Guardian of Lesser Species tries to prevent his society from unlawfully exploiting primitive worlds. Unfortunately, the primitives need to cooperate for his plans to work.

The Ghost Jaochim Nockengost was the best treaty inspector the UN had. Of course, he thought this world was just another item on the list to check off . . .

Earth Earth has been conquered by obsessive ecologists; a new generation has grown up under the new regime; of course they're happy with things. . . .


Starship Troopers


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This page, and all contents, are Copyright © 1997 - 2002 by Fred Geisler.
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