Microsoft Excel Course
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This is the web page I had to make for my computer technology class and I uploaded an easy course of how to use excel. Feel free to download it cause its FREE! I hope you can find for it a good use.
I also have a page about the F-16 Fighting Falcon wanna see it?
-=*Here you may download by chapters the course that way you'll go step by step from the basic to the advanced.*=-
Some interesting links you should see:
My F-16 page
-->           Chapters 1 & 2                <--
-->           Chapters 3 & 4                <-- Huevo Cartoons
-->           Chapters 5 & 6                <--
Yahoo! GeoCities
-->           Chapters 7 & 8                <--
-->           Chapters 9 & 10                <--
This is me:
Name: Hector Lomeli.
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