Jenn(tunadfish) - 09/20/00 15:44:32
My Email:jennrocks17@hotmail.com
Real Name: Jennifer Pearsall
Favorite Saying Or Quote: dead is dead, broke is broke, and late is late
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cherry Garcia
How You Found This Page: looking up plant cloaning, screwed up or what
Well.... umm.... yeah.... Neato web site, but how much time do you have on your hands? lol.
kathy - 08/05/00 14:29:15
My Email:tree@hotmail.com
Real Name: katherine
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: cockies 'n' cream
How You Found This Page: looking for jellyfish
McDonut - 06/01/00 22:35:46
My URL:http://www.donut123.freeserve.co.uk/
My Email:Paul@donut123.freeserve.co.uk
Real Name: Paul McDermott
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "You canna be a Donut, but don't forget your Donut!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.newgrounds.com/
How You Found This Page: I was searching for pictures of the twins off Fun House, a game show which used to be on CITV (UK). God knows how I got here.....!
What up?
Nice webpage - check out Donut's.
camy - 05/27/00 20:16:42
My Email:hitmanptyc
Real Name: camille
Favorite Saying Or Quote: dont have one
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: choclate
Favorite Webpage (URL): oldnavy.com
How You Found This Page: a friend
My nickname is camy because of camille
MaGiK - 04/24/00 20:12:27
My URL:http://ptn.cjb.net
My Email:nutterz911@aol.com
Real Name: PaTRiK
Favorite Saying Or Quote: One who is true to ones self is never blue
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: why would u want to know? are you a private investagator? Mint Chocolate chip the green kind only!
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.magic.com
How You Found This Page: AsK JeeVes
Thanks for this cool ass website! It has helped me alot for my research report!
Yoshi - 04/20/00 16:17:52
My URL:http://www.stupid.com
My Email:outwarsraptor@aol.com
Real Name: Yoshi
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Yo Hsi
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: I love cofee chocalate
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.stupid.com
How You Found This Page: With altavista
How did I get here. Huh?
I don't know - 04/19/00 14:29:40
My Email:Don't have one
Real Name: I forgot it
Favorite Saying Or Quote: I hate this
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: dirt
Favorite Webpage (URL): not this one
How You Found This Page: I can't remember
This webpage is pointless and should not exist
I don't know - 04/19/00 14:27:55
My Email:Don't have one
Real Name: I forgot it
Favorite Saying Or Quote: I hate this
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: dirt
Favorite Webpage (URL): not this one
How You Found This Page: I can't remember
This webpage is pointless and should not exist
cocoanut tree - 04/03/00 19:15:03
My Email:los_escopeta@hotmail.com
Real Name: hannah
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "kids today.........hmmmph!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: STRAWBERRY
How You Found This Page: eh.
i just thought that i should tell the world that i am sleepy. thank you. tah
Shorty - 04/03/00 18:46:29
My Email:fred.newport@talk21
Real Name: Amy
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Quit while your ahead
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.citv.co.uk
How You Found This Page: HOMEWORK!!!!!
You should have more desent stuff.Hi Stac,Hodges and Holly.
Head Ninja - 02/26/00 08:36:55
My Email:aiongeo@netscape.net
Real Name: Andy Parks
Favorite Saying Or Quote: If this is coffee, bring me tea. But if this is tea, bring me coffee. - Abe Lincoln
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: What is ice cream ?
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.sightings.com -- UFOS and other strange phenomena
How You Found This Page: websearch on "Jellyfish"
I dreamt all night long about jellyfish under the
arctic, thousands of them in gigantic formations
beneath the ice. The dream would not go away.
Eventually waking up early in the a.m., on the
internet I started searching for the jellyfish &
earth magnetism connection ... unsuccesfully but
at least I landed here and that is some slight
relief. I hope this type of dream will not return
to trouble me any time soon. Or you either.
Fondest regards to all invertebrates, tube worms
crustaceans & other molluscs. Bye now
deathontoast - 12/23/99 16:41:17
My Email:snow_white1@juno.com
Real Name: bob
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "I am the walrus." The Beatles
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything with chocolate
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.msu.edu/user/loossean/erin/sanity.html
How You Found This Page: links' from Sarah and Maggie's page
Your website reminds me of home.
Sebulbo - 12/02/99 12:17:19
My Email:Wilsonpavilion@aol.com
Real Name: Eric Wilson
Favorite Saying Or Quote: I don't know
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate or chocolate cip cookie dow
Favorite Webpage (URL): trivialpursuit online
How You Found This Page: Looking for jellyfish info
I feel the same you do in anything I do in a group becauses I always the best at it.
bluelady - 11/30/99 00:30:32
My Email:hal1061@frontier.com
Real Name: wendy hall
Favorite Saying Or Quote: everything happen for a reason
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: all kind
How You Found This Page: just browser
like i say if you can not beat them join them plus i am told that i do not have any sense.
"BOOMER" - 10/24/99 03:12:31
My URL:http://????????????????
My Email:?????????????????????
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: UMMMM, WAIT A SEC. LET ME LOOK IN THE FREEZER............
Favorite Webpage (URL): LOT'S OF 'EM! OH, AND THIS ONE TOO!!!
How You Found This Page: CUE ESS TEE 9-99
K C 2 C O F
Clayton - 09/04/99 13:12:00
My Email:kb8lag@juno.com
Real Name: R. Clayton Mullins
Favorite Saying Or Quote: If your parents didn't have any children, chances are you won't either.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Favorite Webpage (URL): KC8ALW
How You Found This Page: QST SEPT. 1999
What a talented person you are, Beth. Thanks for your attemps at getting other young people excited about Amateur Radio and about life itself. It's obvious!
Marble Man - 08/26/99 16:47:40
My Email:kc5gvc@nccinternet.com
Real Name: Mike Watson
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "If you come to a fork in the road, take it!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Favorite Webpage (URL): This one of course. =)
How You Found This Page: Word of mouth
He he he he he hee! You're pretty cool for an invertebrate. =)
PJ(known to hams as KB9KYU) - 07/25/99 16:45:06
My URL:http://welcome.to/TheWebExperiment
My Email:cisstu01@admin.aurora.edu
Real Name: Bradley(or brad)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Favorite Webpage (URL): whats a url(lmao j/k)
How You Found This Page: thru the ARRL online newsletter
Nice Page got any pictures?
PrettyFox - 06/22/99 21:20:56
My URL:dont have 1
My Email:i'm not giving it to u
Real Name: Heather
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: COOCKIES 'N CREAM & VANILLA
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.tcbx.com
How You Found This Page: went to geocities, and typed jellyfish
why the hell is your page named jellyfish when it doesnt have any information at all about jellyfish?!?!?
- 05/11/99 18:00:52
- 05/11/99 18:00:05
Char - 03/11/99 19:24:16
My Email:c_mouse@alloymail.com
Favorite Saying Or Quote: This is me.........
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: raspberry
How You Found This Page: just surfed in
yeah hi. Bye
Maggslee - 03/10/99 03:18:17
My URL:/area51/portal/7819
My Email:Redrum4275@aol.com
Real Name: Maggie Mulder
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Damnation"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla (I'm a boring person who has problems with chocolate)
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.doodie.com ---> it's so disgusting but funny!
How You Found This Page: Like, duh!!! *hair toss* We're in the same e-mail ring!!
Hello, Ms. Price...this is Margaret Mulder. Fellow ring member. Twin of Brynnie. You know the whole routine. Mahhh-velous page, dah-ling. Have fun with it.
*skips off singing* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, didly-dee...
Sierradane - 02/07/99 15:46:11
My URL:http://jediknight.scorched.com
My Email:sierradane@hotmail.com
Real Name: Sierra Dane
Favorite Saying Or Quote: by the way (just ask 31X)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://jediknight.scorched.com
How You Found This Page: through Jellyfish's ICQ info
Hi Elisabeth!
Mirax - 01/27/99 12:40:53
My Email:deathwish_13@hotmail.com
Real Name: not telling
Favorite Saying Or Quote: the aliens are coming!!!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mocha fudge
How You Found This Page: link from the T ipsy Tavern
awesome site. i aint never been here before. its so cool. um...so...whats up?
!!!nosreP drawkcaB ghnizamA ehT - 01/10/99 06:51:25
My URL:/nrevaTyspiT/moc.moox.srebmem//:ptth
My Email:moc.liamtoh@ardnassac_idej
Real Name: (...ydaerla gniyonna gnitteg eb tsum siht ...heh ,heh ,heh) ssaC ideJ
Favorite Saying Or Quote: ...elpoep ynam llik RO ykcaw yllaer gnihtemos od ,tbuod ni nehW
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: (-: .deR kcirB
Favorite Webpage (URL): tnayrba~/moc.tenartlu.www
How You Found This Page: ...llird eht wonk I ... erofeb ereh neeb ev'I
!!!!!SLATROM YNWEP ,TEEF YM TA NWOD WOB !!!!!AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!EM POTS OT GNIHTYNA OD T'NAC UOY DNA ,DLROW EHT REVO EKAT LLAHS I !!!!!EM POTS T'NOW TAHT TUB ...tsop gniyonna siht gnitirw rof em llik ot ydaer tuoba tsuj era elpoep fo stol dna stol ta
t teb d'I ,lleW
(-: .won enols uoy evael lliw I
(PS: to Dumb People: Read each paragraph or sentence backward. Then it'll make sense. :-)
Ju Ju Fish - 12/26/98 03:07:58
My Email:jwenger@earthlink.net
Real Name: Jewels
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most. Ozzy Osbourne
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolet - always
Favorite Webpage (URL): Jellyfish's of course, no wait Dex's no wait mine, wait I don't have one...
You might want to keep this because I might be more famous than Jellyfish in the future... He He He!
Ju Ju Fish - 12/20/98 18:50:54
My Email:jwenger@earthlink.net
Real Name: Ju Ju Fish
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Somebodys got to pay sometime...
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolet
Favorite Webpage (URL): Jellyfish's page of course
How You Found This Page: don't ask
The clouds will rule over all!!!!
suni - 12/08/98 07:24:12
My Email:sporty_2484@hotmail.com
Real Name: suniti
Favorite Saying Or Quote: ooh wow!!!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: tender coconut
Favorite Webpage (URL): don't know?
How You Found This Page: nice
don't forget me!!!!!!
don't mess with me!!!!!
Ju Ju Fish - 12/05/98 03:37:44
My Email:jwenger@earthlink.net
Real Name: noooo way
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most, schools out for summer!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: neapoliton
Favorite Webpage (URL): the cloud page
The cheese chronicles are coming out soon buy the first volume now, written but the founder of the Cloud society and bashing a cheese member's page( Jellyfish's). He He He He I will kill with my thunder and lightning.
Ju Ju Fish - 11/08/98 20:39:34
My Email:jwenger@earthlink.net
Real Name: saphire
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most Ozzy Osbourne
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolet
Favorite Webpage (URL): eyestrain.org
How You Found This Page: it's my sis' page
Kill the Cheese!!!! The Clouds Rule forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the Cheese cronicles part one coming to stores soon, buy your copy now. By the Cloud, for the cloud...
Ju Ju Fish - 11/02/98 01:06:22
My Email:jwenger@earthlink.net
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most" Ozzy Osbourne
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Neapolition
Favorite Webpage (URL): eyestrain.org
How You Found This Page: it's my sister's
Kill The Cheese!!! Chaper one of the cheese cronicles comeing to stores soon. By Ju Ju Fish.
10/15/98 02:37:35
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
HEATER FEATHER - 09/24/98 03:10:44
My Email:Tiggerftw@AOL.com
Real Name: Heather
Favorite Saying Or Quote: i don't know
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
How You Found This Page: i was doing a prgect on jellyfish
Cindy - 09/22/98 12:36:23 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hey I love your web page, keep up the good work.
Nebulan - 09/16/98 02:01:35
My URL:don't got one
My Email:Nebulan7000000@hotmail.com
Real Name: Nebulan
Favorite Saying Or Quote: don't eat bugs
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: venella
Favorite Webpage (URL): don't got one
How You Found This Page: good
"don't eat bugs" "don't lick cats" "Moooo...sayed the fishey in the deep blue sea" i be friend of j. k
Nebulan - 09/16/98 01:58:28
My URL:don't got one
My Email:Nebulan7000000@hotmail.com
Real Name: Nebulan
Favorite Saying Or Quote: don't eat bugs
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: venella
Favorite Webpage (URL): don't got one
Someone Who Stays Up 'Till 12:09 At Night On The Net On A school Night When She Has Homework To Do And Is Avoiding It And Will Have To Stay Up 'Till 1:30 To Get It Done - 09/14/98 03:19:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mistresscass
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Real Name: Cassandra Greysun (Well, it WAS, anyway) (stupid Death...)
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Just because I don't crave adventure and excitement doesn't mean they don't happen to me...
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Furball Surprize
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant
How You Found This Page: I found it in a box of Cracker Jacks!
After filling out all of that junk, I really don't know what to say!!
Hrms.... (DANG YOU COSMIC COSMO!!)... have I gone on about how I'm avoiding homework to do this?
*crowd of ticked off people* YES!!!
I have? Oh. Okay then. I won't mention it again.
Well, I'm done having fun wasting space.
Kuri - 09/12/98 15:27:37
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/landosabacc/
My Email:Katsklaw10@hotmail.com
Real Name: Katrina Hovey
Favorite Saying Or Quote: If all the black flies were gorgeous hunks and cute guys...
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Brownies on the moon
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.starwars.com
How You Found This Page: A Link
it was sooo funny!!! you need to put more humour on it! i loved the page it rocked.
Mickey - 07/20/98 01:49:16
My URL:http://uh i forget.com
My Email:minkp@aol.com
Real Name: Michelle toshbosh
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "women dominiant world! Recyle, dont do drugs, drink happy juice.......come visit the drunk mokee gazeebo!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: i like it when its cold
Favorite Webpage (URL): this page, um www.hansonline.com and a bunch of others...
How You Found This Page: beth told me!
this page is really cool!
Come to the drunk monkee gazeebo!
Chrome Lace - 07/18/98 00:01:41
My URL:http://to be announced
My Email:chrome_lace@hotmail.com
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "What would you say if I told you the Jellyfish deem to take over the world?"
How You Found This Page: I was researching Jellyfish- their habits, ect. and I came accross this page and I hoped I could persuade you to listen to my side of the story...
I am worried about you. I truely am. Might I ask you a question? Do you really beleive that you are a Jellyfish, or does the whole idea just give you a satisfying adrenaline rush? Please, please reconsider your jellyfish fetish. We are losing more people
y the minute to those evils of the deep. Please, don't feel offended, I cannot force you to do anything, and I don't mean to try to. Will you e-mail me? Oh please do... we need as many people as we can if we are going to fight for our freedom... Just e-m
il me, and we can talk.
Jedi Cassandra - 07/10/98 01:28:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mistresscass
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Real Name: What? You didn't believe me? Well, okay.... my REAL name is: Bond. James Bond. No wait... drat. I just can't remember anything these days.....
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE got a lovely bunch of coconuts, Dee dee lee dee, dee, There they are a standing in a row, (bum bum bum) BIG ones, SMALL ones, Some the size of your head
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: COCONUT!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant
How You Found This Page: Duh... I just clicked the pretty button and I got here....
Well. What do I do when I have nothing else on my "to do" list? Well, I just mosey on down to Good Ol' Jellyfish's guestbook and give 'er a good signin'!!! I would normally put some HTML into this, but I just don't feel like it today... Oh well, maybe I d
Well now. Now that I'm here, what do I write about? Let me see, leeeeeeeeeeeeeet meeeeeeeeeee seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... I've got to think of something. Otherwise I'm going to take up a lot of space for no reason whatsoever.
But That would take up a whole pile of space and have be totally pointless.... wait a sec..... isn't that what I'm doing anyway? Hmmm.....
Well. I've run out of ideas. I'll go do something worthwile now.... like save the planet.... not that it deserves it.... Don't worry, I'll think of something.
Ta ta!!
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 02:29:19
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
haremchick - 06/18/98 19:52:04
My Email:haremchick@hotmail.com
Real Name: ashley michelle
Favorite Saying Or Quote: If you can make up a nickname, you can write a story
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything besides coffee flavored
Favorite Webpage (URL): this one
How You Found This Page: by chance
hey. i just came from you're interactive story site. my real name really is ashley michelle. i just got a little confused when signing the guestbook last time. so erase alexandra mccoy from your mind. haremchick is my new nickname. e-mail me jellyfish
Ragic - 06/07/98 14:47:35
My Email:Hahahahaaa@aol.com
Real Name: Cigar
Favorite Saying Or Quote: What Mother Nature doesn't teach you...Father Time will.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Two scoops in a cup with a sugar cone on top. One scoop of Turkey Fudge and the other Green Booger
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://pemtropics.mit.edu/~jcho/spam/
How You Found This Page: I found it very good, I especially like Shakespearian Insults...Thou gleeking, flap-mouthed, foot-licker. Why dost thou inquire?
Likes your site lots! Good place. Hey! have you got a recipe for jelly fish salad? Had it a couple of years ago in Cambridge Ma. it was delicious.
Mr. Beans. No that's not it...How about XENON? - 05/25/98 03:39:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/7223/index.html
My Email:xenon@prontomail
Real Name: The Unibomber
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you TOOT!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: The kind with the fudge and the almond bits and the chocolate ice cream
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/5992/index.html
How You Found This Page: Well.........I put my name on a E-mail pal list and David (Dex, Daragon...Whatever) e-mailed me and offered a spot in a web ring and Jellyfish is in the ring and then I got ICQ and I put him on my desktop and his home page
ddress is on the description so I came here and signed this guest book. *Gasp* *Gasp* That took alot of breath!
I'm still catching my breath!.......Ok I'm ready.
let me put it this way.....
Time to reduce
I Really like the MIDI at the begining of the page and the humor section.
By the way Visit My Page NOW! thanks.
Do I have to list them all? - 05/24/98 02:03:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/9731/
My Email:aehaine@ibm.net
Real Name: Krystyn Poe
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Oooo, that's a toughie. Probabaly, "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two is four. After that, all else follows." and "Trust no one, and no one will trust you. Trust everyone, and you're screwed!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: What the hell is ice cream?!?!
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant/
How You Found This Page: Rats, mice, I always get them mixed up. What the hell is this in-tra-net thingy anyway? And what's that white thing with buttons? What am I typing on? What is typing?! Could someone fill me in please? I'm kinda
new to this trash heap of a planet..
I'm signing again! I have a WEB PAGE now!!! Isn't that just wonderful?!?!?! Now you get to see all the stuff I can do with HTML (which really isn't much).
So it's not real impressive, so what? It'll get better. I can promise you that.
Anyway, lessee, what little insane thing should I put in here now? Graphics...nah, I don't have any good ones, MIDIs, nope, don't have any period. Can't exactly melt from the heat because it's dark out. Hmmm, what can I do?
It's impossible! Me, who managed to put together 5 or 6 (not 7, right?) ideas for storied right off the bat can't think of somehting insane to put on your page?!?!?!?!
Sometimes I just don't get it. You know?
Come visit Niophita sometime! I have some friends that would like to meet you. Okay? Okay? You will come, right? Well, let me say this, you come or I will hypnotise you into coming with my talisman. Got it? Good.
Jedi Cassandra - 05/14/98 19:56:10
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mistresscass
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Real Name: If I told you, I would be forced to stare evily at you
Favorite Saying Or Quote: *to the tune of the Flintstones* Simpson, Homer Simpson, he's the greatest guy in History. From the, town of Springfield, He's about to hit a chestnut tree. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ****CRASH****
nd then there's "I would like to be the most POWERFUL PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE and/or a nice person".
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Ooooooh.... this is a toughy..... uh.....um......I'd have to say..... uh......that......that kind with the.....the little....things......what're they called?.....uh......um......er.........oh, Drat. Forget it.
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant
How You Found This Page: Oh, come on. I'm a JEDI remember? I just KNOW these things!
Well. After going to all that trouble to fill out your funky thing about "who you are" and "what kind of ice cream you like", I've forgotten my original purpose for coming here. Hmm. I must have been planning to do something...
No, wait, I forget again.
Well, while I'm here...
Drat. Oh, the songs I get in my head...
I love your page, Jellyfish!! Keep up the great work! And mucho thanks for putting me in your links list! I'll put you in mine as soon as I get around to making a links page... Say, I might do that now.
PS: Please disreguard that damn half post below this one. My finger slipped.
Jedi Cassandra - 05/14/98 19:49:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mistresscass
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Real Name: If I told you, I would be forced to stare evily at you
Favorite Saying Or Quote: *to the tune of the FlintstonesSimpson, Homer
Unidentified Forign Alien #13 (UFA # 13) - 05/02/98 04:09:09
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com or Invisigoth@aol.com
Real Name: I an unidentified...remember
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly plotting my revenge"; "That's it, I'm calling the Mother Ship"; "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed"; plus many others...
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything black
Favorite Webpage (URL): This one and Krystyn Poe's page of relitive insanity ( find it at: http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/9731/ )
How You Found This Page: I was tipped off by an anonymous confidant
Very intristing Jellyfish, I must inform my superior about your genius... you might be of service to it. Please hear my warning. ... do not trust it...it is evil...it is Mephisto!
Unidentified Forign Alien #13 (UFA # 13) - 05/02/98 04:08:37
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com or Invisigoth@aol.com
Real Name: I an unidentified...remember
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly plotting my revenge"; "That's it, I'm calling the Mother Ship"; "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed"; plus many others...
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything black
Favorite Webpage (URL): This one and Krystyn Poe's page of relitive insanity ( find it at: http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/9731/ )
How You Found This Page: I was tipped off by an anonymous confidant
Very intristing Jellyfish, I must inform my superior about your genius... you might be of service to it. Please hear my warning. ... do not trust it...it is evil...it is Mephisto!
Frank - 04/21/98 04:13:08
My URL:http://www.iwaynet.net/~kb8zuf
My Email:kb8zuf@iwaynet.net
Real Name: Frank Piper
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Allrighty!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): Too many to list!
How You Found This Page: CCRA Radiogram
Excellent Site! I laughed til I needed oxygen! Keep up the good work!
Un-Identified Flying Alien # 13 (aka:UFA#13) - 04/15/98 23:50:00
My URL:ya...like I have one...I'm lucky to get the computer turned on!
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com ( Ya, I know aol stinks... but hey... it's better than nothing.
Real Name: I am un-identified....remember?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly Plotting My Revenge", "As soon as plausible", " Nuke the world: solve everyone's problems", "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed!" plus many more.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything that has been dehydrated.
Favorite Webpage (URL): the odd and strange "World of the Jellyfish"
How You Found This Page: I was given this information by a shadowy figure that mumbles something about blowing up the world..... hey Jellyfish! That's a good idea... e-mail me and we will start planning!
Bravi, Miss Jellyfish. Your creativity and ideas are much like that of the ones on my planet. I will be visiting again shortly...or atleast when I get my next break... say... in about 13 years?ààêà@
Un-Identified Flying Alien # 13 (aka:UFA#13) - 04/15/98 23:38:07
My URL:ya...like I have one...I'm lucky to get the computer turned on!
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com ( Ya, I know aol stinks... but hey... it's better than nothing.
Real Name: I am un-identified....remember?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly Plotting My Revenge", "As soon as plausible", " Nuke the world: solve everyone's problems", "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed!" plus many more.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything that has been dehydrated.
Favorite Webpage (URL): the odd and strange "World of the Jellyfish"
How You Found This Page: I was given this information by a shadowy figure that mumbles something about blowing up the world..... hey Jellyfish! That's a good idea... e-mail me and we will start planning!
Bravi, Miss Jellyfish. Your creativity and ideas are much like that of the ones on my planet. I will be visiting again shortly...or atleast when I get my next break... say... in about 13 years?0
Un-Identified Flying Alien # 13 (aka:UFA#13) - 04/15/98 23:36:30
My URL:ya...like I have one...I'm lucky to get the computer turned on!
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com ( Ya, I know aol stinks... but hey... it's better than nothing.
Real Name: I am un-identified....remember?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly Plotting My Revenge", "As soon as plausible", " Nuke the world: solve everyone's problems", "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed!" plus many more.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything that has been dehydrated.
Favorite Webpage (URL): the odd and strange "World of the Jellyfish"
How You Found This Page: I was given this information by a shadowy figure that mumbles something about blowing up the world..... hey Jellyfish! That's a good idea... e-mail me and we will start planning!
Bravi, Miss Jellyfish. Your creativity and ideas are much like that of the ones on my planet. I will be visiting again shortly...or atleast when I get my next break... say... in about 13 years?
Un-Identified Flying Alien # 13 (aka:UFA#13) - 04/15/98 23:35:16
My URL:ya...like I have one...I'm lucky to get the computer turned on!
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com ( Ya, I know aol stinks... but hey... it's better than nothing.
Real Name: I am un-identified....remember?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly Plotting My Revenge", "As soon as plausible", " Nuke the world: solve everyone's problems", "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed!" plus many more.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything that has been dehydrated.
Favorite Webpage (URL): the odd and strange "World of the Jellyfish"
How You Found This Page: I was given this information by a shadowy figure that mumbles something about blowing up the world..... hey Jellyfish! That's a good idea... e-mail me and we will start planning!
Bravi, Miss Jellyfish. Your creativity and ideas are much like that of the ones on my planet. I will be visiting again shortly...or atleast when I get my next break... say... in about 13 years?
Un-Identified Flying Alien # 13 (aka:UFA#13) - 04/15/98 23:33:24
My URL:ya...like I have one...I'm lucky to get the computer turned on!
My Email:Yelhsa13@aol.com ( Ya, I know aol stinks... but hey... it's better than nothing.
Real Name: I am un-identified....remember?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Quietly Plotting My Revenge", "As soon as plausible", " Nuke the world: solve everyone's problems", "Trust no-one and no-one will trust you, trust everyone and you're screwed!" plus many more.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything that has been dehydrated.
Favorite Webpage (URL): the odd and strange "World of the Jellyfish"
How You Found This Page: I was given this information by a shadowy figure that mumbles something about blowing up the world..... hey Jellyfish! That's a good idea... e-mail me and we will start planning!
Bravi, Miss Jellyfish. Your creativity and ideas are much like that of the ones on my planet. I will be visiting again shortly...or atleast when I get my next break... say... in about 13 years?
Thissle, (Gorgyle, Becca Jean, Ms. Smartypants) - 04/13/98 21:52:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/6114.com
My Email:thissle00@yahoo.com
Real Name: Should I tell you? Hmmmm. Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone!!! Promise? Rebecca Jean Garlock, but you're crazy enough, so you can call me
Favorite Saying Or Quote: That's not fair! There are too many good ones! "What's a manatee's favorite saying? Oh, look. Here come's a boat! SMACK!!!", or "Confucius says: To know that you know what you know and that you do not know what you
o not know, that is true wisdom."
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter Binge (Don't ask!)
Favorite Webpage (URL): I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself!!!
How You Found This Page: I'm not entirely sure, I think I fell asleep on the keyboard and hit a few buttons. (Don't quote me on that!)
I love your webpage! You're as crazy as I am, just ask my friends,(cindericious@yahoo.com, and snodevil@hotmail.com) About my nicknames, thissle I made up because I needed a nickname for the internet. My sister likes eeyore and eeyore eats thistles. We
l, one thing led to another and here I am. Gorgyle is a nickname my friends(Kreon, and Kruton) and I made up in eighth grade during Keyboarding class. We're from the planet Moron. Maybe you can read my story when I get my own webpage up and running.
ecca Jean, well, if you read my name, it's not that hard to figure out! Don't even ask about Ms. Smartypants! This comment shows you nothing about my true personality. By the way, do you have any macaroni?
WARNING! WARNING! If you value your life, delete her name from your guest book! She's a kook!
KEVIN!!! Get off the computer!
I warn you do not get to know her!
WARNING! WARNING! Sister approaching!
Sorry, had to tie up some loose ends. By the way, did I say that I love your website? Oh yeah.
Jedi Cassandra - 04/13/98 20:03:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/3363
My Email:someone@somewhere.com
Real Name: What? You didn't believe me before?
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Adventure. Excitement. Just because I don't crave them doesn't mean they don't happen to me.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Nerf
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant
How You Found This Page: .....huh? What? Where am I? WHO am I? Page? What page?
I was going to write something interesting but I forget it now. Hey, Jellyfish, thanks again for your chapter on my page!! It's great!! I don't think I can top that one, and it's MY BLOODY PAGE!!!!! Hey people, check it out!
Just thought I'd get some advertising done for both of us. Later People!!!
Arsalan - 03/27/98 19:36:52
My URL:http://artsci.wustl.edu/~ejhadley/john.html
My Email:johnhi63@slip.net
Real Name: John Henry Ives
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "The source of all learning in the knowedge of God, exalted be his glory" --Baha'u'llah
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: carmel fudge
Favorite Webpage (URL): too soon to say
How You Found This Page: too complex to say
Good luck with your stories. I like to talk by e-mail, but I'm not very inventive anent stories.
Morgan's Mommy - 03/24/98 19:34:34
My Email:ranthony@intrex.net
Real Name: Dana Anthony
Just had to come back & type in a poem from one of Morgan's books (Dragons, Dragons and other
creatures that never were, by Eric Carle)
Beneath the waters, deep and cool
the mermaids keep a swimming school
The oysters trot, the lobsters prance
the dolphins come and join the dance
But all the jellyfish who are rather small
can't seem to learn the steps at all.
It's really a great book, especially the
poems about the Amphisbaena (two headed snake)
and the last dragon poem.
Two more short ones:
Beneath the waves the Kraken lies
in wait for passing ships
to gobble them like you and I
would munch potato chips.
As the sun rose up a ball of red
I followed my friend wherever he led.
He thought his fast horses would leave me behind
but I rode a dragon as swift as the wind.
- 03/24/98 18:58:46
My URL:http://www.sas.com
My Email:ranthony@intrex.net
Real Name: Dana Anthony
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: ben & jerry's chubby hubby
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.iarchitect.com/
How You Found This Page: you sent me email about it
Hi! My favorite high school author has her own story site, it's very cool, Beth.
The url above is the one I program at work.
I don't really have a favorite web site right
now but I put in one that I like & is
Rendor, Redfir, Clay the Jedi, or Sir Clay - 03/23/98 01:09:57
My URL:/Area51/Labyrinth/9800/
My Email:clay@gccweb.net
Real Name: Clay
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Am i weird and everone else is normal, or the other way around?
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cheesecake
Favorite Webpage (URL): So many I cant list
How You Found This Page: An Email from Jellyfish
Hey Jellyfish! Did you ever wonder what would happen if Luke Skywalker really let go like Ben told him to?
"Okay Ben" Luke says as he lets go of his X-wing's
flight stick. The X-wing swerves and hits the wall of trench and explodes.
Rendor, Redfir, Clay the jedi, or Sir Clay - 03/23/98 01:03:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/9800/
My Email:clay@gccweb.net
Real Name: Clay
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Am i weird and everone else is normal, or the other way around?
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cheesecake
Favorite Webpage (URL): So many I cant list
How You Found This Page: An Email from Jellyfish
Jen - 03/16/98 16:49:53
My Email:Jlk1681@aol.com
Real Name: Jen Keister
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Are you talking?"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla
Favorite Webpage (URL): yours
How You Found This Page: from you
Hey, Beth, cool page. I like it alot. Keep up the good work:)
soggy - 03/11/98 05:00:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/7282
My Email:sukkewe@hotmail.com
Real Name: Beth
Favorite Saying Or Quote: whatever
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby tied with Heath Bar Crunch
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.thefreesite.com
How You Found This Page: through someone else's guestbook
Hi. Your "Thins to Do in School When You're Bored
list was HILARIOUS!! Holy crap.
sarah - 03/11/98 03:23:46
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/hompeages/s/h/a/sharielizabethjordan.html
My Email:sayra69@hotmail.com
wanna join a webring?
Someone who has been spending WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too much time watching Star Wars............ - 03/10/98 00:19:15
My URL:http://strangestuff.com/weirdos/crap/whatever/
My Email:you'd like to know, wouldn't you?@nowhere.com
Real Name: Cass.....or is it.......no, it isn't......oh, well.
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's no one after you.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Tea, cat, rock, natural gas, and that kind with the chunks of human flesh in it....what's it called? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough?
Favorite Webpage (URL): Do you actually expect me to memorize the ADDRESS!!!???
How You Found This Page: Well, I was going to the kitchen for some Star Wars related food when I accidentally stepped into an alternate dimension where some aliens kidnapped me and sucked out my internal orgins and sent me here.
HI!!!!!!!!! I just collapsed in a heap here and decided to write something......Here's a few other things to be afraid of, Jellyfish. Hairspray. It freezes your hair. Who's to say it can't be used on us? Quicksand. It happens in Jungles, why shouldn't it
appen in that sandbox out back? WE'RE PUTTING ALL OF OUR KIDS AT HORRIBLE RISK HERE!!!!! ARE WE MAD?!?!?!?!?!? The internet. Really. How much more easy can it be for them to spy on us if they can just turn on the computer and get into ours? Coffee. It's
addictive. What exactly is caffiene, anyway? Lightbulbs. They burn out. Why? The Stress level in the atmosphere? can it happen to us? Grand Pianos. Pleanty of room for a body in there. Gum. IT JUST WONT'T GO AWAY!!! IT JUST CAN'T BE DESTROYED!!!
hey're proabably using the stuff on space shuttles, and we're chewing the stuff all the time. All numbers between 66 and 667. There is more than one bad number in there. All numbers not covered in the last one. Can't be too careful, you know. T-Shirts. Th
y're just too convenient. And made of cotton. They could be putting drugs into those plants, people. Fast Food, and all other Food Made Out of the House. You can't see them cook it. They could be doing anything in that kitchen!! Aliens. Why? Because......
.hey, there they are!!! OVER HERE, GUYS!!! HEY!!!!TAAAAAKE MEEEEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later people. See'ya on the flip side!!!
Hmm, let me think.... - 03/02/98 22:50:40
My Email:it's broken right now. Call me later.
Real Name: Brynn
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Deny everything.", "Mean people suck.", "If the data doesn't suit you, manipulate it."(from Krystyn Poe), "I've given up on that.", "Just breathe.", "Quitely plotting my revenge!" (and so is Krystyn.)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Anything black
How You Found This Page: A not-so-little Niophitan telepathically told me. I think she tried to tell me something about the Force, but I got lost anyway.
I think Krystyn had a memory lapse. She forgot her favorite quotes! G-d help you if you ever go to Tennessee or get inside my head for that matter. Anyway.............................umm, what was I going to say? Ummm, Ummm
To bad it isn't friday...
Krystyn and I came up with 40 more things to be paranoid about, so we'll quote a few of the best for you all:
Number 24. Sci-Fi. Do you really want an explanation?
Number 25. Lightsabers. One word of advice: Do not upset a Jedi.(by Krystyn)
Number 26. X-Files. Unexplaineable occurances, paranormal expariances, alien encounters, persuit of the Truth...Hey! SOunds a lot like my life!
Number 27. Star Trek. Cloaking Devices. What is this, a very unfair game of hide and seek?
Number 22. Artificail Intellegnce. They're computers. They're intellegent. They could take over the world. Do you require any more comvincing?
Number 23. Trees. Why do they loose their leaves in the winter? Is this a natural phenomena? Or is it because of Radiation?
Number 36. DNA. The code of life. What would happen if somebody cracked it?
Number 45. Scissors. Blades and plastic. WE GIVE THESE TO KINTERGARTENERS?!?!
Number 46. genders. No matter which way you look at it, it's a very scary thing.
Number 48. Copy Machines. The first form of cloaning.
number 49. Human beings. They want to blow up the Earth, what next?(that was Krystyn's)
Nuber 13. The government. Need I say more?
Thank you for putting up with me. Your brain cells were greatly appreciated.
Plausible rules!
ITS TOO EMBARASSING TO TELL!!!!! - 03/01/98 20:15:19
My URL:/Area51/Station/8750
My Email:dex.pratte@mailexcite.com
Real Name: David
Favorite Saying Or Quote: I'm not suffering from insanity, I ENJOY it (thanx for the good one jellyfish)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Choclate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/8761
How You Found This Page: YOU SIGNED MY GUESTBOOK!!!
Love the Page, Jellyfish. I come here as often as possible. You ought to get a message board.
Krystyn Poe - 02/28/98 02:28:03
My Email:aehaine@ibm.net
Real Name: It's not pronounceable by your culture, I belive, so Krystyn works for me.
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "It's not my fault!", "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!", "What's a nice kid like you doing in a wretched hive of scum and villany like this?", "Trust the Force", "The truth is out there", "Trust no one", "Eve
yone lives and everyone dies and in between everyone cries", and a whole lot more...I'll list them on my site, if I ever get one.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Peppermint Patty
Favorite Webpage (URL): I have too many right now to list
How You Found This Page: Umm, you know, I'm not quite sure. Maybe it was that little white thing with a tail in front of me with buttons. What do you call it? Oh, it's a mouse.
Just in case you were wondering, I'm from the planet Niophita(LONG story, but an interesting one). I really like what you've done to the page, Jess. It like the MIDIs, but they don't compare to the real thing. Oh yeah, when's the IS coming? I really l
ke those, but of course, you know that already.
Yes, on my world they do have Star Wars. That's how I became a fan. You see, my world has been facinated by your world for some time now, When SW came out, interest went through the roof! So I moved here in '45(ever heard of Rosswell? Well, that was
e...) And was around when the originals came out. Then I went home for a SHORT while and came back for the prequels and all of this fascinating Internet stuff. And what about all the time in between, you ask? That's a long story. Surfice it to say I'm
stuck in the body of a human teenage girl for a while...
Anything else you want to know about me, email me. I like having contact with the outside world. :)
crunchy - 02/27/98 10:37:09
My Email:s25280@iggs.qld.edu.au
Real Name: crunchy IS my real name...
Favorite Saying Or Quote: help me!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: any and all!
How You Found This Page: the jellyfish email'd me
ho beth! well done! now i can visit you whenever i want!
Jedi Cassandra - 02/24/98 23:06:23
My URL:http://nothing
My Email:jedi_cassandra@hotmail.com
Real Name: Cassandra Greysun
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Would it help if I got out and pushed?" "It might!!"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Uh.....Ice Cream? What is this strange thing?
How You Found This Page: I used the Force
Nice page......A little on the strange side. It's just so refreshing to see strangeness on the Net! If I could only be as strange as you.....LONG LIVE STRANGE PEOPLE!!!!!
Dex (that's not my real one, I jsut call myself that) - 02/22/98 01:12:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8750
My Email:asp_droid_007@hotmail.com
Real Name: David Castillo
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Can I go On the INTERNET?"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Ooo, Toughy, I think it's Vanilla (i like to walk on the wild side!)
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.lucasarts.com
How You Found This Page: YOU TOLD ME ABOUT IT!!!
I can totally Identify with you. Only I'm a boy that was an outcast from the boys. I guess that's what you get for calling footbal barbaric(BUT IT IS!!!!!!). I love your page and can't wait to see what you do with it. JELLYFISH RULE!!!!!!
Sarah - 02/21/98 22:05:04
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/h/a/sharielizabethjordan.html
My Email:sayra69@hotmail.com
Real Name: Sarah
hey! thankz for goin' 2 my page and signin' my book!
Sarah - 02/18/98 20:31:37
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/h/a/sharielizabethjordan.html
My Email:sayra69@hotmail.com
Real Name: Sarah
hey! cool page! i like tha background! hope ya visit mine!
zoobird - 02/17/98 03:28:45
My Email:zoobirds@juno.com
Real Name: Rose
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Pumpkin
Favorite Webpage (URL): Blue mountain cards
How You Found This Page: A friend
This is great!! You are amazing!! This takes alot of work. Great job! Keep up the good piano playing you did tonight!! See you soon-zoobird
BigO - 02/04/98 21:35:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/alley/5447
My Email:bigoebright@geocities.com
Real Name: I already told you. BIGO!!
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Shake, Shake, Shake...Shake, Shake, Shake.... Shake your bootie...Shake your BOOTIE!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/alley/5447
How You Found This Page: From my guestbook
This can't be the same Beth Price in my Science Class! Can IT???
thedad - 02/04/98 03:34:16
My Email:kb8esu@juno.com
Real Name: Mike
Favorite Saying Or Quote: I love cats, they taste just like chicken!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Ice cream comes in flavors other than chocolate????
Favorite Webpage (URL): this one
How You Found This Page: Pester me enough & I get here sooner or later.
Hey, I got here. You want comments too?
Hank - 01/26/98 23:47:22
My Email:rpmr52a@prodigy.com
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: b&J' chocolate
How You Found This Page: I know the Jellyfish personally
Your old friend is VERY impressed. Lots of hugs!!
Bergalini - 01/25/98 21:57:31
Real Name: Mom
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry
Favorite Webpage (URL): Yours
How You Found This Page: I got lost!
I received my nickname from an Italian friend who enjoyed my homemade lasagne. Good job, Daughter #1! I look forward to reading more humorous entries. Love, Mom
Odysseus - 01/24/98 20:28:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/cafe/9258
My Email:Golden_retriever@juno.com
Real Name: Adam Anderson
Favorite Saying Or Quote: Yo siempre tener victoriaatraves de mi parecer.I Always have victory through my mind
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: All of em =)
Favorite Webpage (URL): www.yellowribbon.org
How You Found This Page: The Student Directory
I know what you mean when you say you feel
alienated. I'm fifteen and also live in Ohio. I
invite you to look at my page and mail me back.
Zero - 01/13/98 01:34:47
My Email:cujo-69@hotmail.com
Real Name: Damn I forgot
Favorite Saying Or Quote: better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: choclate chip cookie dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/3421/trustno1.html
How You Found This Page: your my sis's friend remember?
cool I like it =)
hope your havin fun I'll come back and visit soon =)
uh - 01/12/98 17:58:06
Real Name: uh
hey fix the links on your page!
~*H¥Þ£®§QU££K*~ - 01/12/98 03:23:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/4208/
My Email:hypersqueek@hotmail.com
Real Name: Crystalyn
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "You may know what you need, but to get what you want, better see that you keep what you have"
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.tangrams.com/addto/
How You Found This Page: A little jellyfish told me...
Well, I already have an unusual name, so I thought I should have an unusual nickname to match. My friends already called me Squeeker because when I laugh, I make this high-pitched Squeaking noise. And the Hyper is because I'm... well... energetic. So I ma
hed the two names together and misspelled squeek (to be different) and I had my name!
Well, I've blabbed on for quite awhile now, so I'll just say I love your page, Beth! See you later!
Moonchild - 01/10/98 22:31:50
My URL:I don't have one, but hope to start one soon!
My Email:aehaine@ibm.net
Real Name: Amanda
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "Everyone lives and everyone dies and in between everyone cries."
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Peppermint Patty
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.ultranet.com/~abryant/
How You Found This Page: Elisabeth gave it to me!
Well, I hope that your interactive story goes up soon, because I LOVE interactive stories. As for the name Moonchild, don't ask. Or if you really want to know, email me and I'll tell you. I LOVE getting email. And if anybody's wondering, I'm from a ga
axy not so far away(get the hint?).
starfish - 01/10/98 22:26:41
My Email:rjprice1@juno.com
Real Name: Rebecca
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
How You Found This Page: my sister
Good web page so far! Keep it up!
Jellyfish - 01/10/98 22:12:51
My URL:This Page! Woohoo!
My Email:thejellyfish@juno.com
Real Name: Elisabeth Price
Favorite Saying Or Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Webpage (URL): http://www.tangrams.com
How You Found This Page: Umm, this is MY webpage, and although I am here, I'm really not sure how I found it...
Well, there's big partying and celebrating down here in Jellyfish's World, just because my guestbook is finally working!!! To all the people who have waited forever for this hour, I'm sorry, but tec nical difficulties HAVE passed, and the guestbook IS on line (hopefully. I won't know until I press the 'I'm Done!' button). So, let your hair loose and WRITE!
I won't write about my nickname here because I will have a page up soon explaining the entire Jellyfish fiasco, so all you impatiently waiting people (or invertebrates) will just have to keep on impatiently waiting.
Oh, and by the way...if anyone has a thousand gallons of surplus ice cream that they'd like to send to me, you know my e-mail address, OK? Bye!