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Welcome to Working Girl Life(WGL)!
Greetings, and welcome to Working Girl Life(WGL)!
We are dedicated to providing the best of care to the quality Working Girl(or Guy!)here in RLC. Our goal is to have an organization of well-trained escorts to provide the very best services to our fine RLC patrons.

  WGL workers aren't your sub-standard hooker with the same tired, uninspired cut-and-paste serves. A WGL escort has passion, class, style, confidence, sex appeal, drive, and imagination. S/he knows the difference between fantasy and reality, and strives to make a patron's fantasies come true in a manner that brings that fantasy to life in a very sensual, real manner. S/he takes the time to know  her/his patron well enough to give service in the most seamless, natural, and sexy way possible. A WGL worker knows how to make a patron come back for more. That's what we're all about.

  We care about not only RLC, which is wonderful enough to provide us with this great chat venue we all love, and not only the patrons we serve, but also about the girls who are a part of our family. Our promise to you, our members, is to provide quality care, training, and friendship to those in our group. We serve each other so that we may serve our patrons. We promise our members guidance and safety, help in times of need, financial assistance, and, if needed, counseling. This is a sisterhood, and we feel that we, though each working for individual goals, should also be working together, not against each other. The individual attitude and performance affects all escorts as a whole, so, in a very real sense, we're all in this together. We strive to make the journey as pleasant as possible that we may better serve the RLC community at large.

  Once a month we will try to have a membership drive in the form of a dance or similar event. This will allow established, un-housed working girls as well as members thinking about joining RLC's sex worker force, a chance to get to know each other, and potential clients. More will be posted on this as we get ourselves established.
We will also try to have weekly mixers. This will be for promotional purposes, letting our members and potential clients meet and conduct business transactions.

  An organizational message board/calendar of events will be established to list activities, working schedules, a directory, and events. Each working girl joining WGL MUST have a folder on the board to introduce herself, list her qualifications, and give at least one example of those skills in action for potential clients to see. The web address of each girl will be put on her RLC profile for potential clients to see. list your skills and proficiency levels. Girls interested in BDSM should be properly trained as a Top and/or bottom before offering those services. The same with any interested in Gorean and/or blood doll service. In this manner we can set ourselves apart from, and above, any/all other WG organizations as unique, classy, and reputable.

One working idea in progress is to have levels of escorts, starting with "street walker" and "stripper" for beginning WG's, moving up in the ranks as each WG gains experience and an established clientel. This may or may not be established depending on our membership.

  Mentoring Program--More experienced "sisters" will help newbies out. In this case that doesn't have to mean new vs older WG's, but those who've more experience with cybering. In this manner we can continue to be the best, offer quality service, and set ourselves apart from other WG organizations.

  In the future we may form partnerships with more established WG organizations, and add them to a "global" directory.

  Avatar/clothing designers will be needed to come up with 'special' outfits just for WGL girls, and to make special avatars also if it can be done.
Where you can find us
A_aliyah_WGL(WGL Co-Founder)
Dalyia2006_WGL(Organization Founder/Leader)
Ready_or_Not_WGL(Dalyia's alternate profile)
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