After 2 years i've decided to end my site Female Executioners!

It was fun, but all good things must come to an end.

One of the reasons for ending my site is that i can't find the time anymore to update my site regularly. I have too many other interests.

Another reason is that i'm tired of seeing my site down due to bandwidth limitations every 3 out of 4 times i try to access it. Although some of you came up with good suggestions like changing host or a password access, but i think these measures will only solve the problem temporary. Thanks anyway!

A third reason is that my site was orginally setup to come into contact with women who share my fantasy, but not too many women seemed to be interested. The few ones i did contact only lasted for a week or so till they lost interest. I don't mean to nag, but this was my basic goal for the site!

However, i will continue my Femex Groups at Yahoo! If you have contributions you can post them there! I will post some pics from my site over there too!

Female Executioners - The Ultimate Experience
Female Executioners - The New World Order
Femex Women Club  FOR WOMEN ONLY!!!

I want to thank all the contributors, especially the regular ones, for all those wonderful pictures, drawings, stories, facts, etc... you've sent me in the past 2 years! Applause for you contributors!!!

Thanks to you all for visiting my site!

Peter Femex
Founder of Female Executioners
