the strange, the unusual, the bizarre*grin*
Well everyone here it is. It's taken me forever to get this finally out here. It's always under construction so be patient with me.*L* I haven't done an update in quite a few years so things have certainly changed.
Lots and lots of changes abound. My husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. But sadly the relationship, at least the marriage part has come to an end. We still remain the best of friends though. So I consider myself lucky. I am in a new relationship at the moment, and happy with that as well. Life is finally looking up for me.
Jeff just got a great new job that will allow us to see some new and interesting places. I may also have a really huge move coming up, one that I am really excited about. Will be interesting to say the least if I choose to do this. lol Life is good, and I am truly happy. We are trying to shed our past mistakes and move onward and up!
Everyone who knows me from the web knows me from the Park( when it existed...may it R.I.P), Msn Chat or from the various places I am out cruising around...always the vagabond...never in one place too long. Still feeding my EverQuest addiction after two years. Who would have ever thought what started out as an experiment would have such a big impact on my life. I have been lucky enough to make some wonderful friends who are part of my real life now. And because of EQ I met the man in my life now ;-)
I promise to try to fill your heads will all sorts of obscure facts, and useless information. The kinds of stuff you never need to know...but may come in handy when you least expect it*grin*

First we will delve into the realm of Haunted Houses...the question you believe....or not....
Onto other things: creatures of folklore and fantasy. They are the creatures we have all heard about...but do they really exist?

Now...truly useless but fairly interesting facts*grin*...I try to have a plethera of them around from time to time...on things from animals, people, and our amazing universe
My personal favorite...the coveted Darwin Awards *L* Sure to get a laugh or two...or three, who knows? you can all get a it is...the moment you have all been waiting for...Photos! I have some photos of our wedding, our fuzzles (a.k.a. the kids), and last but not least me !*LMAO* Bet you can't stand to wait another moment longer eh?