Believe it or Not? I don't know what to believe......


    Dreams are weird. It seems that anything can happen in a dream. But there's one dream I will never forget.

    A few years back I had an uncle that was very sick. He had been sick for years. But one night I had this dream that an uncle called (no the one that was sick) and he told me that my other uncle died. But while we were still on the phone he said that he was wrong and that he didn't die and that he was ok.

    Well, this happened over summer break and I was home from college. And the morning after I had the dream I woke and saw my mom walking out to her car. I opened the window and asked where she was going and she said that her brother (my uncle) was in the hospital.

    Well, a few days later, after years of fighting and suffering my uncle died. But weeks later I found out that the morning my uncle went into the hospital he woke up and went downstairs and sat in his chair. While he was sitting there he was having trouble breathing. My aunt called the parametics, but by the time they got there he had died, but they made it there in the nick of time and revived him.

    In my dream my uncle died and then he came back to life. And about the same time I had that dream my uncle actually died and was revived.

    Believe what you want.....