Here are some of my favourite pages I have come across. A site has to be FABAROO to get in my links page. Let me know if you think your page deserves to be here and i'll 'ave a gooseberry at it!

Red Dwarf Links:

Robert Lywellyn's home page Yes, Rob Llywellyn has his own web page, and its brilliant - the nearest to an official site, for the moment

Listers Pile o'Smeg The ultimate Red Dwarf links page, includes nearly every RD website

Crapola inc Crapola inc homepage the birht place of Talkie Toaster!

The Scutters homepage Online Red Dwarf News letter

Other Links:

Centurion Books This is my mates book shop - go there and buy a book!

PythOnlineIf you love Monty Python you'll love the site - its hilarious!