Discordian Philosophy, Science Fiction, Binky the WonderSkull
Coming soon: The Loveshade Community
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(Ignore Binky the WonderSkull. He'll take you Nowhere.)
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and Horrible Things from Uranus!
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BloodStar alias Alien Loveshade
has new material/updates since the beginning of December, 2001)
If you're in the U.S.A. or thinking about going there, you probably know your rights are being threatened: please read
Stripping Away American Freedom: A Call to Action
and check back for updates and revisions.
Weird Philosophy
is it a joke disguised as a religion, or a religion disguised as a joke?
by Reverend Loveshade of the Discordian Division of the Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild
by Rev. Stang of The Church of the SubGenius
Other Mega-Cool Stuff
Most Excellent Links-O-Rama
More COOL STUFF Added Often!
Copyright © 1998-2002 bloodstar@rocketmail.com
(Note: As far as I know, the animated skull above is public domain. If you have any information otherwise, please E-mail me immediately so I can either get permission to use it or remove it)
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