
I was riding around with my mother when we stopped at a rummage sale and I bought a book titled The Dark Towers of Trelochen, by Rachel Cosgrove Payes. As I read through it, I didn't think anything of the fact that the main character was called Tisha until I found a mention of the butler named Quentin. On the same page, the main character is referred to by her full name, Letitia. Coincidence? Maybe.

But as I read along, I found more and more parallels between the book and Dark Shadows 1840. Tisha is a governess who works for the estranged wife (Samantha) of a powerful and charismatic man she eventually falls in love with (Quentin and Daphne). There is a servant named Gerard and a seamstress named Hortense. There is also a resentful younger brother (Gabriel) and a mischievous French maid (Angelique). Coincidence?? I think not.

Any thoughts or comments, please feel free to e-mail me.

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