1840s Character Guide

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Quentin Collins, heir to the Collins fortune. Extremely charismatic and tempermental. Married to Samantha Collins but in love with Daphne Harridge.

Daphne Harridge, governess of Tad Collins and Carrie Stokes, came to Collinwood with the intention of killing Quentin Collins and instead fell in love with him.

Desmond Collins, Quentin's cousin and good friend, defends Quentin against Lamar Trask's charges of witchcraft. He falls in love with Leticia Faye.

Leticia Faye, friend of Gerard Stiles, has "second sight." She falls in love with Desmond Collins.

Julia Hoffman, doctor from the future who returns to the past to try to save Collinwood in her time.

Barnabas Collins, made a vampire in 1795, follows Julia Hoffman from the future to help save Collinwood in 1971.

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