Dark Shadows 1840 Questions
questions about the storyline...
Most Recent Update - 10/22/97
Question One: From what I have gathered from my resources, Edith Collins in 1840 is the same Edith Collins who appears in the 1897 storyline. But if this is true, how can it be that Gabriel kills her in 1840?
Suggested Answers:
1 Edith's murder in 1840 is one of Dark Shadows' many plot inconsistencies. This problem is never explained on the show. submitted by MGior92500@aol.com
2 I think the reason Edith was alive in 1897 and Gabriel killed her in 1840 is simply because Barnabas and Julia changed history in 1840. I think if they never went to the past that Edith would have still been alive. submitted by JWade2687@aol.com
3 It is most likely that she wasn't dead when Gabriel killed her. She could have been put into a temporary coma, and she came to some time after Barnabas, Julia, and Eliot left 1841.
This should not have happened, the writers were not too careful with some 1840 plots. They should have had Edith and her husband away during this period and wrote a different Collins wife into the story. That way the connection to 1897 would not have been tampered with, intentionally or by accident. submitted by Joeytrom@aol.com
Question Two: Joanna Mills just disappears from the storyline altogether; no explanation is given. Does anyone know where she went?
Suggested Answers:
1 The ultimate fate of JOANNA MILLS is never revealed. The last scene has has is when she makes the goof "You and DAPHNE" to Kate Jackson. submitted by MGior92500@aol.com
2 She was a ghost. Once her revenge on Samantha was fulfilled, she went to her final fate. submitted by Joeytrom@aol.com
3 The reason Joanna Mills just disappeared was because she was a ghost. She returned from the dead for two reasons, to save Quentin and Daphne and also to avenge her own death by killing Samantha Collins. So, after she accomplished her goals, she went back to her grave. submitted by JWade2687@aol.com
Question Three: On the last day of the storyline, right before Quentin and Daphne leave, Quentin receives a note from Samantha. How can this be, a letter of goodwill from Samantha? submitted by Wierd97@aol.com
If anyone has any answers to these questions, please
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