Science and exploration are two of the primary missions of the Federation Starfleet . . . exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilisations, boldly going where no one has gone before.
Welcome to the Allied Electronic Simulations Science Guild. The aim of this guild is to link the science officers of Allied Electronic Simulations in a way that has never been possible before. Here you will be able to find links to science department websites on different sims (such as the USS Galaxy and USS Sovereign), databases which can be useful for scientific posts or technobabbling, contact addresses for the chief science officers for each sim, and several other useful resources. 

Always remember that the Guild is here for you and you are encouraged to use it. 

Oded Magger, and RC Laven

AES Science Guild was founded by Oded Magger in 1997. Webdesign used from  the USS Galaxy Science department webpage compiled and maintained by RC Laven ©1997-1998. This website is maintained by Oded Magger & RC Laven ©1997-1998. Allied Email Simulations and the AES Science Guild are non-profit organisations for the enjoyment of fans of STAR TREK and the creative features of role playing. STAR TREK and all its properties are the sole copyright of Paramount Studios.
SPECIAL THANKS to Mr. Gene Roddenberry, without his vision none of this would ever have been possible

Thanks to Geocities for space!