A Bit About *You* My Pretty

LinkExchange Member

Your name:

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I'm particularly interested in:

Radio Waves
Liquid Oxygen
Dead things Mikey, dead things!

My Favorite Person Who Has Ever Been abducted or reported so:

If It Was Legal To Have Sex with An Alien and I Had A License, I Would Have Sex with:

I would like to be rectally examined again.

Are you interested in crossing over into the darkness? Put a little "X" in the box if you would like to be put on the Abductee List.

If so...consider the following...There have been quite a few people asking how one can become an "experiencer" and if there are any strangely lighted tunnels, tubes or vapors to go through in order to become...one of US! There really isn't much to it at all. Just be so kind as to fill out the official form below and I will compile the data and create The Official Abductee List!

Tell us a wee bit about your dreary life:

I usually...

wear tinfoil on my head at all times.
find myself driving to the airport at 2:00 am because the airport is calling me.
hear Howard Stearn constantly, without the use of a radio!
eat more than two blocks of cheddar cheese a day.

I would say that...

Extra comments:

Are These Pages Nasty and Yucky?

I am not pleased

I Was Upset, but, I am feeling better now

Um....I really could care less

I have lost feeling in my right eye

I am not on drugs but I drink diesel fuel

The abductee list is being compiled. This way to see the list.
Thank you for your cooperation. You may go back to sleep now.
If you don't tell, I'll let you see my normal friends.