They're Here
They're Hostile
And Powerful People Don't Want you to Know
Welcome to
Dark Skies, a Compelling Science Fiction Drama, Currently Set in the 1960's,
starring Eric Close as John Loengard, Megan
Ward as Kimberley Sayers and acclaimed actor JT
Walsh as Captain Frank Bach, the Head of Majestic (The Most Secret
Goverment Agency, you've never heard of). Loengard's story of the fight
against the Alien Hive is told, supposedly over 4 decades, coinciding with
the Show's run
in to 1999, Where it's rumoured the Hive will make an announcement to the
According to the Show's Creator's Bryce Zabel & Brent Friedman, Dark Skies is a blend of Fact & Dramatic License, and gives an interesting twist into what actually formed the Historical Events of the 1960's & beyond, such as the Kennedy Assasination, Cattle Mutilations, and the Great Northeastern Blackout of 1965.
Question remains, Did events like or similar to the events in Dark Skies,
actually happen. We may Never Know, All I know from my experience as an
amateur "conspiratoligist" (A Term which i just made up), is
that Something is definitely going on behind the scenes of not just the
American Government, but the Governments of the World in General, and to
view each conspiracy, or each piece of leaked evidence (e.g, MJ 12 Documents),
as pieces of a huge jigsaw puzzle. On our
Links Page, you'll find some very interesting UFO & Conspiracy
Related Sites.
Click on the Pictures below, to Find out more about Dark Skies, Who Knows if we will ever see what happens in the battle to save humanity from the Hive. Thanks for checking out The Dark Skies Section of Shadow Central, and While your here, dont forget to check out our Star Trek, Sliders, Pretender & Babylon 5 Sections.
An Open Letter to ALL Dark Skies Fans from Series Co-Creator - Bryce Zabel
Close as John Loengard
Ward as Kimberley Sayers
Walsh as Capt Frank Bach
Lynn Ryan as Juliet Stewart
Episode Guide _________The Dark Skies UFO Timeline
Real Exactly is Dark Skies (You Might Be Surprised)
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