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The story is filmed in HI-8 format and stored on HI-8 and Super-VHS, using SONY cameras.

Camerawork has mainly been from David and Stephen, though other people have been involved along the line! The Direction is usually David on the day of filming, though only after the three of us have spend a lot of time in preparation with Storyboards etc. The "Pertwee Day" was under David's excellent direction. Some of the footage may be filmed on a Sony Digital camera - we may experiment on the next occasion.

However, all editing is done on computer - the footage is grabbed into a digital environment where there is no further signal loss before the final tape. Test edits can be done using lower-quality grabs, and special effects can be trialed. Editing is done using Adobe Premiere, and use is increasingly being made of 3D animation packages for scenes where real filming or models would b impractical.

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