A strange alien beach. A great ship sails into the distance; disintegrating as it goes.
These are the last moments of a viking-style funeral. Watching this great rite is a
privilige - only a few can witness the princess's last moments. Three illegal observers,
possibly from earth, are watching from the cliff base - their costumes deliberately the
same colour as the cliff for camoflage. All is going well; their observations are
proceeding well, and then a blue capsule lands in the open area of the beach. It is the
Doctor. The three try to warn him of the danger of being seen, but it is too late - a
force field envelops the beach and the oxygen starts to be extracted.
Naturally the Doctor saves the day and the three become his new companions.
They are Bradley Vincent, Phillip Royale and Amber Lyn. Bradley's time and place of origin
is uncertain; his apparel stranger than the younger Phillip. With the girl's name sounding
a tad similar to Anne Boleyn, the Doctor decides they must visit Tudor England. However,
her Elizabethan-style costume seems out of place when they land in the Highlands of
Scotland some hundred years in error. Strangely, Bradley seems aware of the error and
wears a suitable tartan as a sash. This picture was taken during a break in filming.
Ashley - 18th January 1998