DEVIOUS - THE DALEKS - not all bad?????
On a couple of occasions we have been asked to lend props etc for charity
purposes. These were both several years ago, but I thought may be of interest.
The first occasion was at a fete in Burgess Hill, Sussex, whilst the second
was in the centre of Worthing one summer Saturday. This was the most fun
-people would come up to the static daleks and be quite amazed when they
then spoke and moved. I have to admit having a go myself for a while (though
voiceless as I'm quite shy!). At one point, a dalek managed to get ejected
from Marks and Spencers. It seems they don't like people rattling charity
tins - fair point I suppose. I can't remember the charity now, but wqe
did manage to donate a tidy sum to a good cause.
Steve tells us that a previous dalek he had built ten years or so ago was
also used at a fete in Worthing for charity collection.
I see no problems in using then occasionally for these purposes, as long
as 100% of the money goes to the cause.
Ashley - 18th January 1998