The Random Thoughts Page

My latest addition

I have decided to add a page of random thoughts so whenever I'm here editing, I can put up whatever comes to mind at the moment and you can all marvel at my wisdom (or laugh at my stupidity).

11-July-1999 2:26am
Well, I'm here at work and it's another boring night. Oh yeah, don't tell anyone that I'm using my work computer for personal use. The most profound thing I can think of right now is the immortal words of Perry Ferrel, "...yeah, some people should die..." Anyway, that's it for now.
Another night at work and I can't wait to leave.
"If a tree gets knocked down in the forest and no environmentalists are there to hear it, who complains?"
15-July-1999 2:30am
"Where's my hausenfeffer?????"
28-July-1999 4:52pm
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Corollary: I hate really stupid people!

12-Aug-99 1:12pm
Yeah, Myst is an easy game.........

9-October-1999 10:31pm
Keeping a web page current is a pain in the butt!

9-October-1999 10:32pm
Sometimes reorganizing is WAY more work than just doing it right in the first place.

9-November-1999 3:56pm
I REALLY need a computer at home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30-July-2000 8:33pm
Life can be strange and difficult. It is amazing what can happen when you least expect it. (Read this as "Life Sucks Right Now!")

18-Feb-01 11:08am
I think that about once every six or seven months is often enough to update my webpage. What do you think? Wait, don't answer that, I don't really want to know what you think. Let's just say that even though I now have TWO computers at home, I edit my page less and less. Perhaps I have too many hobbies... Oh yeah, I think I need to work on a web page for my new band. Perhaps we need to decide on a permanent name, though...

20-Jul-01 10:36pm
Okay, so I'm here messing around with my new band's website. I finally got it up and going. BandKamp turned out to be a great name. Anyway, it is amazing how life can sneak up and surprise you in the greatest ways. I guess a wedding will happen in about a year.
9-Oct-01 5:26pm
Well, I'm here and I just put up the picture of the LIVE BAIT VENDING MACHINE. That's pretty lame. I'm trying to download some Nodwick comics right now. Band practice is in about an hour, so I'm just basically wasting time. Hold on, I gotta check the download progress, stupid 26.4 connection! Well, I guess that's all. Oh yeah, Connie and I are going to get married. I asked her on 19 August while on stage at the Dirty Duck. It was cool. And it seems that we will be buying a house now. Hopefully escrow will close in a week!
22-Feb-04 8:17pm
I can't believe that it's been over 2 years since I've made any additions to this page (or any part of this site I might add). Much has changed... In comparing to the last post in October of 2001, I still download Nodwick comics, but at DSL speed, not 26.4 any more. I'm no longer in that band. In fact, I've been in two other bands since then and I'm working on getting a new band together. Connie and I have gotten married (19-July-03) and things are well. We did buy that house, but escrow didn't close for about 3 weeks from that day. We got the keys on 30-Oct-01. Anyway, I spend a lot of time online just goofing around, so I don't get here to update that often. I usually post these "random thoughts" on my livejournal, so I don't have enough to say both there and here. Plus, what I do post isn't really interesting or worthwhile in the first place. Maybe I'll just use part of this site for my upcoming D&D campaign in the Kingdom's of Kalamar setting...
6-Jan-06 Happy Freakin' New Year Twice!
Yeah, I know, nothing was posted for ages. Too bad, take it. I'm the one that updated (or not) this website, you just have to sit back and view it. The new campaign (Kingdom's of Kalamar) is going well. My livejournal hasn't been updated in months. I have a myspace account (like most everyone else). And boy bands still suck.
But this section is about random thoughts, so I figured I should return to my roots and post some.
7-Feb-08 10:21 pm
Happy Freakin' New Year Twice Again!!!!
So, I no longer have the livejournal (it was dumb anyway) and I believe that the myspace that I had was cancelled in favour of one that promotes my music projects only. Connie and I are currently getting a divorce (that's two down for me!). And for the past few months I've been in a whirlwind of dating in a crazy way. I've been very good at not letting myself get seriously involved with any women (at least not too much), but I'll admit there is a certain one that holds my fancy. She's incredible! I don't know what else to say... If she reads this, which is very unlikely, I just want to say, "Danger Girl, I don't sing for anyone else but you..."

Owning more than one computer is pretty awesome!

29-May-08 6:32 PM
Yeah, I'm sitting here listening to Mindless Self Indulgence, drinking a beer, waiting for someone to call me. Yeah, it is the same "someone" as in the previous post back in February. She's so amazing! Still not seriously involved with anyone even though I'm slightly more involved with her than before...I guess. I really don't know what we are, but it is a lot of fun, whatever it is... Anyway, this is random thoughts and I just happened to think that I should post that thought!
And in case she reads this (again, very unlikely because I don't think she even knows about it), I'll just say this, "You get whatever you want because you're first on the list!"
13-Dec-08 9:00 PM
Life goes up and down. I've had a few "downs" this year. You've hung around through them all. I appreciate that in a way you'll never really understand. Danger Doll, you are definitely an amazing person.

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