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Here are a few that Sam Simbulan has sent me...and there will be more on the way....still lookin for that scanner.
On a technical note...this page was designed on a computer with a 17 inch monitor with screen resolution set to 1152 x 882 pixels. Resolutions lower than that might make this page and its images appear bunched together. Right clicking on the picture and selecting "View Image" will allow you to look at the pictures individually and at their original size.
Since the latest update to this page...i've made it more presentable to those who use a resolution that is 640 x 480.
Here ya go folks! Below is a group shot of us that attended the reunion in Las Vegas. If you move your mouse cursor over the heads of some of the people in the photo and look down in your status bar at the bottom of your screen you will see who that person is. Clicking on some of them will allow you to send that person email...some don't have an email address and clicking that person will send you to a "I couldn't find that file" page setup by Geocities. In that case, just hit your browsers BACK button. If I missed anybody, its either because I haven't gotten around to finishing the code or I don't remember that persons name. If the later, please email me the correct information.
These images were made by Sam Simbulan for the Class of '88 10 year reunion logo that he is going to use in the Video that he is producing.

This is the yearbook photo of our class touched up by Sam with a little style.

And of course here is Sam Simbulan and his wife Barbara...some of you remember her as Barbara Lopez from our class.

Class of 1986

Class of 1987

Class of 1989

And here is me at my cousins house with a cat neck warmer. :)
Page last updated on August 5, 1998.
Designer: Toby Tolentino