This is the Web Site of TALON-X
aka Toby Tolentino

I signed up on 10/11/97 12:52:28pm.

My interests are:
Computers, Movies, Sci-Fi.

The description of my page is:
All things Bungholio
Site for George Dewey High School
Subic Bay Philippines Alumni

The picture you see of me above will probably be the first and last time you'll see me in that uniform. I just recently finished 8 years in the U.S. Army this past September..

For anybody from George Dewey High School, Subic Bay Naval Station Philippines... Check out

This site has over 350 names and Email Addresses for anybody who attended and/or graduate from GDHS.
You can also sign the guestbook. Give credit where credit is due...Jason Scolfield has done an excellent job on this site.

Click on the Class of 88 logo on the left to see some pics of some of us from that class.

There is another site for GDHS Alumni's. Its here at GeoCities.

This site uses a font called "Boost Light SSi" and can be readily obtained thru 1 of the links in my links section. Go there and click on the Information Society Web Site link.

Email me at one of these Addresses
My juno account is down.
Please use my Hotmail address.

This address has File Transfer Ability
Click Below to See an Earth Rise

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If the counter isn't loading or is reading "0000"...its probably due to GeoCities upgrading thier server. Please be patient. I have to.... :-(
Please come back soon and visit me.

Click here to see the newest version of the this site now under construction

Check out some of my favorite links

Click here to see some news about Santa Claus

7-7-98 **Found this page that most of you computer guru's/hackers/free speech nuts should check out about what they are doing to Kevin Mitnick....So called "Hacker of death" or something or my own opinion, what they are doing to him is bogus and VERY WRONG!

The following is a response form. I'm interested in anything you might have to comment about my site, good, bad, suggestions always welcome. ....also, I'm looking into finding out how to revive dead Tamagotchi, nano, or giga-pets and turning them into cyber zombies for my electronic hoard....oops said too much...just write something...NOW!!!
Have a nice day!

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2) What Neighborhood do you think I should live in, based on my page content?
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