Sandi Dolitz-Vasquez

IT Support Professional for over seven years with a previous background in social work and human services.


Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Major - Professional & Technical Communications
Degree - Bachelor of Science, received May 1996

Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY
Major - Human Services
Degree - Associate in Applied Science, received May 1985


Computer/New Media

Cross Platform: Macintosh and PC, Multiple operating environments: Win 95, 98, some NT, Novell, UNIX, Mac to OS 9.4, Software: Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office including Access and advanced PowerPoint, MS Exchange, Word Perfect, AmiPro, and Aldus Page Maker, Contact Management: Goldmine, ACT, Filemaker Pro, FoxPro. Microsoft Certified Trainer program in progress. Multimedia Production: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premier, Macromedia Director, Ray Dream Designer, Lotus Screen Cam, Web Page Design: HTML, some JAVA, CGI, GIF animation,, Video Production: Portable Video, Studio Camera Operation, Studio/Remote Direction/Production, Communication: Public Speaking, Conference Techniques Management, Technical Writing, News/Professional Writing


Public Speaking, Public Relations/Crisis Management, Conference Techniques Management, Technical Writing, News/Professional Writing, Interpersonal Communication, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Customer Service/Advocacy


Program/Presentation Research/Development and Implementation, Workshop Facilitation, Community Health Education/Outreach, Vocational/Employment Training/Counseling, Counseling and Advocacy, Crisis Intervention, Career and Human Resource Development


Technical Support/Applications Training positions

Technical Support Manager
Martha Stewart Omnimedia – TV,Westport, CT (Feb. 1998 to Present)
Technical Support Manager for MSO television studio.

  • Provide site coordination, scheduling and management for all technology and telecommunications issues and helpdesk. Supervise 2 technicians on MSO-TV helpdesk supporting 60 to 80 endusers. Provide training and support on all MSO desktop applications, perform equipment setup and software installations for MSO staff office and remote/home computers.
  • Develop and conduct applications and file server training program for professional staff
  • Provide advisement, research and equipment setup and support on computer related television segments.

    Application Trainer
    Professional Help Desk, Stamford, CT (1997 to 1998)
    Trained new employees and clients on how to use PHD's Proprietary software package, also trained on Microsoft Office applications and provided MS software support

  • Development and implementation of in-house training program for sales department, including course materials and evaluation criteria
  • Design of multimedia demo of PHD proprietary software for CD-ROM distribution to prospective clients
  • Revision and implementation of on-site client end user and administrative PHD applications training programs

    Software Instructor
    Professional Development Group, New York, NY (1996 - 1997)
    Taught public and private computer and software classes, Microsoft Office applications, Lotus applications, Contact Management programs

  • Developed and taught intro Internet and intro and advanced HTML, web page design classes
  • Researched, developed and taught courses based on various clients proprietary software packages
  • Served as liaison between Tri-state area PDG instructors and management

    Student Manager Positions
    Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (1993 - 1996)
    Hired, supervised, trained and scheduled student staff in various departments during my course of study at Rochester Institute of Technology
  • ETC-TV Senior Production Assistant - Hired, trained and supervised ETC Television student staff, produced and directed educational videos for the distance learning department, maintained ETC client billing database
  • Transportation Dept. Coordinator - Hired, trained and supervised student staff and shuttle bus drivers, covered shifts, kept vehicle maintenance reports, performed database management, worked in conjunction with Office of Special Services to arrange transportation services for disabled students
  • Minority Student Affairs Coordinator - Hired, trained and supervised Office of Minority Student Affairs student staff, trained OMSA students in computer skills, maintained OMSA student database, developed and oversaw OMSA peer counseling/mentor program

    Other Student Positions

  • RIT Macintosh Lab Assistant - technical support and Teaching assistant in Freshman Intro to Computers lab
  • United Way of Greater Rochester - Intern for the Pubic Relations and Communications departments, Wrote press releases, evaluated PR materials, and scripts, assisted in organizing local volunteer efforts
  • RIT Dept of Health Services Public Speaker - Created and conducted health education seminars on campus

    Human Services/Social Work Experience
    Rochester, NY (1985 - 1993)

    Pre-trial Release Interviewer
    Pre-Trial Services Corporation - Conducted interviews with prisoners in the Monroe County jail system to determine if they qualified for release while awaiting trial, worked with Monroe County judicial and law enforcement agencies

    Outreach Counselor/Educator
    The Center for Youth Services Inc. - Provided counseling services, advocacy and job placement for disadvantaged inner-city youth and their families

    Training Consultant/JobCoach,
    Association for Retarded Citizens - Provided counseling services, advocacy, job placement, on the job training and supervision to developmentally disabled adults

    Youth Training Specialist/Job Developer
    Rural Opportunities - Developed and implemented employment readiness program for rural youth, assisted with job search and job placement

    Youth Counselor
    Puerto Rican Youth Development - Provided academic and family counseling, advocacy and job placement services for Hispanic youth and their families

    Senior Community Educator
    Planned Parenthood of Rochester - Developed and conducted health education workshops and seminars for presentation in community and educational organizations