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Contents of Violeta's Clowning Around Page


Grease Paint Alley

I miss the old gang, couldn't find any alleys in Westchester... haven't looked in CT...
hey, can you find Violeta in this picture?

(and hey, did you figure out what Violeta Pitufa means yet?)

Crystal and Scooter

Meet Crystal and Scooter. Fondly refered to as Violeta's clown Mom and Dad.
**and one of Violeta's reasons for twinkling into existence**
can you find them in the out-of-focus, off color, alley picture at the top of this page?

To learn more about Crystal and Scooter,
all around good-eggs and professional entertainers,
visit thier fantabulous web site, JustClowningAround.Com

(and if you tell them Violeta sent you, I'll deny it...)

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Violet visits Morningstar Full Gospel Assembly

Violet visits Sunday school Violet visits Sunday school
Violet pops into some Sunday school classes

special childrens service
Violet and Friends lead a special childrens service

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Mi Familia

with Ma and Jessica
V with Mami Vasquez y La Princessa Jessica.
(Sandi's mom loves this picture and likes to make people guess which one her daughter is...)

with the little man

a little make-up and a new hair color can do wonders for a relationship...

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