The Adventures of La Violeta Pitufa
Please note this is yet another of my under construction pages -
hope you aren't tired of the construction gifs yet...
While I am not a jet setting world traveler, I have taken two outstanding cross-country trips - here's a little background on them in case you are considering doing the same. (pictures follow)
FYI - This page could also be titled "Ways to make or break a friendship."
If you'd like to test the strength of your relationship with your significant other, I suggest taking a cross-country trip. Ours was New York to Seattle. But to thoroughly test your relationship, the destination is not as important as how you get there...
- try to over pack and then cram all possible belongings you think you should take into the back of a 90's Acura Integra hatchback, and for extra safety, be sure to position the huge load so that you are unable to see out the rear window.
- if you don't own a tent, borrow one, but be sure it is no bigger than a Two-man pup tent (this is especially important if your significant other is over 6 foot tall)
- clean out your bank accounts and be sure to take only enough money to get you one way…
- make sure your significant other is so awed by the Montana night sky that he just has to stop his black car in the middle of the unlit highway and turn off his headlights to get a better view of the stars
- more helpful suggestions to come
- more helpful suggestions to come
Cross country trips are also recommended for testing the strength of your friendships.
- encourage your friend to bring her hundred pound dog, which you are probably allergic to
- be sure that the dog is having an allergic reaction to flea bites and is losing her hair in patches
- be sure to have no air conditioning in your early 80's Subaru wagon
- be sure to travel through New Mexico and Arizona during July when you can catch those record high temps (it really is a dry heat…)
- again, clean out your bank accounts and be sure to take only enough money to get you one way…
- if you go to your friends cabin in the remote mountains of Idaho, check ahead of time that there is no running water and that the outhouse is far enough away from the cabin that you get lost in the dark coming back from it
- also be sure that the outhouse seat is cracked and pinches your behind no matter how you try to sit on it
- be sure to pick up an additional hundred pound dog to put in the back of the car to fight with the first one
- be sure that the second dog ,who has never traveled before, is also so traumatized by the trip that he constantly tries to climb into the front seats (and your lap) while you are driving
- more helpful suggestions to come
- more helpful suggestions to come
the following are some of my favorite pictures from the trips - (more pictures to come)

G. on a Montana mountain top
Montana mountain lake
A couple of Sirens perched along the Snake river in Idaho
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