In a brief moment of deep thought these notes came to me. I'm leaving them unedited and as written. Yin Yang One is light frequency thus the white lighters. Movie K-PACK One is radio frequency. thus the creatures of the night. Those that are photothrophic and sensitive to even a candle light. They reach farther back than the light band widths. They prexisted before light formed. The sounds colors give off the use of radio frequencies to heal, protect, to open portals, to destroy tissue like in light lazers. What we hear is what we feel at a deeper level. The sound a tree makes. The frequency it gives off as energy to feed us. Radio waves are energy. You hear a room. in blind fold fighting all light is shut out you hear the room. Sensory deprevation is used to open your awareness to sound your human ears can't hear. Angelic beings give off a ringing as they come and go and communicate with each other. Astral beings give off sound. emotions are on the sound band with. thoughts are radio frequencies. telepathy is use of thought frequencies. Psionics is the use of readion frequencies to transmit them to the mind of another. We travel sound/radio frequencies to translocate to another place or time. New healing techniques are exploring the effect of the color of a room on healing. The sounds in the room can set up a healing environment or destructive environment. Near Astral & casual realm cause changes in the physical realm. The old masters could hear your heartbeat and knew your thoughts of movement before you acted. They were are radio frequencys. not light. Sitting all night meditating in total darkness listening to the universe and beings. Getting in touch with those energies. That is how they became masters. Those on the light band width fear the darkness and seek to stop the meditations and the learning.