Good vibes Bad vibes is a way to understand spiritual communication. Do you feel a forboding of something? Then don't do it. If you feel good about it then proceed with caution. There are always entities in the unseen realm around you some are your path and others will try to ensnare you. If you are pagan any christian contact will bring an attack. The christian church fears us and trys to destroy our knowledge and way of life. In the astral/spiritual realm the christians are organized under one leader they call God. They make it all come to pass around him. He is a male ancient God that deceived the world and gained control. Claiming to be the one true God by deceit. The angel demon system was formed to Play good cop bad cop to the illerate world. Most didn't even read Latan and didn't understand what was read in chruch. They were forced to go to chruch and tithe to the ruling monarch. Pagans had to go to church or be killed. There was no inbetween. They used Ceremonial High Magick to control the populace. Forcing the people to obey.

It is forbidden for the pagan spirit guides etc. to teach christians. If just one non-beleiver christian is among a meeting of any sort the working will be stopped till they are removed and the christian spiritual attack is over. They surround christians and enter our sacred space to laarn of our magick. The christian black arts use to control consist of summoned demons to destroy those leaving the church. If they do not pay homage to the christian God they curse them. We protect our own and so not act to help christians unless petitioned by a pagan that is working with them. There are a few trained pagans that are allowed to communicate with christians making the effort to break the churchs mind manipulations.

Medicine, Science and evolution are slowly breaking the hold on christian minds. If the chruch was so enlightened why did it teach that the world was flat and the sun evolved around the earth. The chruch uses more mind programming than any system on earth. Make them prove it. The ancients are now acting and stripping the chruch of its power. Restoring power to the pagan systems that take care of the earth.

Even Ouija boards will not work if a christian is present. It will be evasive and say goodbye if they can keep control long enough to warn you. The chruch demons are powerful entities acting as demons to the pagan world. To discredit the pagan community and entrap them in illegal activity. As pagans we uphold the laws of the land we are in unless they are against our religion then we fight for our right to our religious system and way of life. The christian community does not uphold the laws of the United States but beleives themselves to be above the law. That is why the ancients are taking action and helping civilian authorities to bust the child pron rings, pedifilers, ritual abusive christian cults and those covens teaching anarchy. Do not get involved with these christian cult groups posing as pagan. Especially the New Age groups that teach they are Gods and have authority over the mindless christian sheep. There are undercover individuals in everyone of those groups collecting evidence. The pagan commuinity has always existed and worked to better the communities we are in. Using scrying and other readings to find a better life for our people and a better timeline into the future.