Christian Tribulation

Christian Tribulation

The christians took over the earth using black ceremonial high magick. They created armies through terror and mind programming tactics. The pagans for want of general term are trying to reclaim it. The original inhabitants of the earth. The entire christian scheme is a lie. If you look closely at the leaders they were no saints. The original Jesus was a pawn used to start the movement. Then some of the more powerful egyptian and roman deities took it over and played God. Those who go astral know it is all a fake. Especially when they see the so called angels mess with the christians. Anyone leaving the church is cursed by them. The church created so called Demons to manifest the evil and attack them. Sending them scurrying back to the protection and exploitation of the church. 90% of the pagan world has higher moral standards than the church. Christians go out break the moral standards then run back to the church for forgiveness. Then go back out next week and do it all over again. Most of those in jail for violent crimes are christian... think about it.
Tribulation is a manufactured scare tactic being used because the church is loosing its power. Mankind has awakened to the world being round. Remember it was the church that told the general populace ships would fall off the edge of the world. Because of Medical and scientific advances the church has lost much of its power. A Doctor is saving the life not God. It reminds me of the Movie "Village".
The mass release of Tribulation books are nothing more than mind programming. To keep control over the sheep through scare tactics. The astral harvest teams take some to an astral realm and that is "heaven". It is a created astral realm not a real world as it is depicted in the bible. There are no other planets with inhabitants. All of those that can astral travel have been searching since time began. If one exists it is way beyond where the masters can reach. The 13 gates have been destroyed to stop the return of christians. They were used to block true inhabitants on the earth from reaching us with help. We have to stop the lies and take a stand. There is only one physical earth that we have to protect from mass exploitation. Look at all the big Christian companies. They give nothing back but only take what they can from the earth. Living in million dollor homes and taking away pensions from their workers. Breeding an army they plan on leaving behind and can not feed in the future. They do not have the capacity to take all of the sheep off the earth. They are all around us as ghosts. Annoying and sometimes possessing the living. That is what is causing all the bipolor possesions. Too many souls in one body. The second souls were suppose to be taken to their heavenly reward but were left behind. See the body has capacity for more than one soul. They usually are in tune with each other and act as one. The body is not left behind. It goes on living with what ever soul is left. Remember the harvest is causing the increase in violence and crime. The harvesters are taking only those worthy and leaving us with the rest to have to deal with in jail or mental wards.