Dragonlance is a RPG, series of books, and many other things published by TSR inc.
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman started writing the books in the mid-1980's. The main characters are Raistlin (wizard) and Caramon (Warrior) Majere, who are twins, Tasslehoff Burrfoot is a funny little kender. Riverwind and Goldmoon are the two barbarians of the group. Tanis half-elven is the leader. Then there was Sturm Brightblade and Flint Fireforge before they died. Tika is Caramons wife.
Raistlin and Caramon used to be inseparable before the dark queen, Takkhis, decided to torture Raistlin forever, because he tried to overthrow her power and become a god. The reason they were inseparable ws because Raistlin was to weak to take care of himself and Caramon had to help him. Caramon is referred to as being strong as a horse and strong as 10 knights. Now Caramon married the barmaid, Tika , and they had alot of kids.Raistlin has one daughter,but he wont admit that it is his daughter.
Tasslehoff is always getting the party into trouble and mischief, because of his natural kender curiosity. He is my favorite character. Kender's range from aroud 3'6 to 4'0 foot tall.
Sturm died defending the high clerists tower or something when he was stabbed with a lance by his ex-lover, Kitiara Uth-Matar. Sturm was a very noble Knight of Solamnia. He was one of the few knights that stille followed The Oath and The Measure after the cataclysm. The cataclysm was the gods nearly destroying the world about 300 years ago.Flint just died because his heart exploded, otherwise known as a heart attack.
Kitiara was Raistlin and Caramon half-sister. She started adventuring when she was 13 right after her step-father died. She ended up turning against the companions and fighting on the evil side. She was a dragon highlord.
I myself find Tanis Half-Elven rather boring so I dont have much to say about him, except he to had an affair with Kitiara
some gods I remember
(I'll add more later)
Paladine- Paladine is the god of good. His moon is Solinari, the white moon. When he is on Krynn he takes the form of a befuddled magic-user named Fizban. His familiar is a minature gold dragon named Pyrite.
Gilean- Gilean is the neutral god. Gilean's moon is Lunitari, the red moon. Some say Astinus, the person who rights all the history down is his brother.Astinus has a wisdom of 19.
Takhisis- Takhisis is the goddess of evil. Her moon is Nuitari, the black moon. Her symbol is a five headed dragon representing the five evil dragons.
Mishakal-Mishakal is a goddess of good. More appropiatley though the is the goddess of healing. Goldmoon is a cleric of mishakal if I am not mistaken.
Reorx- Reorx is the god of dwarves. He trapped the father of all the gods in some type of glass like ball. In the second generation the father of the gods gets out.
On to the pictures