Fab'Rini Geographical Database

The Fab'Rini Geographical Database exists to provide those citizens and non-citizens of the Fab'Rini Federation with maps and statistics of the Fab'Rini Federation.

The database contains maps from Galactic all the way down to regional scales. By clicking your desired destination below, you can zoom in on any region of the Fab'Rini Federation. (Coming Soon)

This chart represents an overview of the entirety of the Local Galaxy. Each of the points of light denote stellar clusters -- local groups of approximately 300 stellar systems. Numerous unplotted systems exist in the vast regions of space between these clusters.

The Galaxy is divided into 12 sectors. The Fab'Rini Federation is located within Sector G, which is a member of the Tri-Sector Area composed of sectors G, B, and H. These are by far the most populated regions in the Greater Galaxy.

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