The Type 40 Junkyard


JAN 1998


The Junkyard's Least Likely



Real Audio
Techno Theme

Doctor 1

All good TARDISes must have a place to rest ...

Welcome to The Type 40 Junkyard

Hello, welcome to another issue of The Type 40 Junkyard.   The Timelord Forum section is up and running.  It contains a mini-newsgroup and a chat channel to meet other readers with.  The one requirment is that you must support JAVA applets.  We are always looking for stuff to add to the site, so just send us anything you want to see like reviews for the Reviews section.   And The Junkyard's Least Likely is also now on the search for websites to award.   Send us some nominations if you have a site in mind.

Now for this month's content ...

Monty Python's Flying TARDIS episode 2
by Greg McCambley

Questions, comments, submissions can be sent to

Junkyard News

Until things really get up and running and I find the time to sum up news in the Doctor Who universe just check out the Doctor Who News Page.

The Junkyards Least Likely

The Junkyards Least Likely is an award given to the Doctor Who sites that would least likely end up in a junkyard. The focus will be on the personal pages of the unsung author. We hope to bring recognition to the work of these fans. We will look through the personal sites on WhoLink and Nitro9's list of sites. Nominations are also welcome.

Winners will be notified by e-mail before their site is posted as a winner. If you visit a site and it has the "Least Likely" logo somewhere on the page, then you know it was a winner.

Please send comments, suggestions, submissions to

Please sign our Guestbook. And if you want to look at the guestbook.

people have visited the Junkyard since Aug. 25, 1997.