Hi there. This post is just to let you know that this is the
first of many (hopefully).  It's a long one, so be sure, be
very sure! :-)

SFX- A TARDIS is slowly spinning in the center of a galaxy (as in the
     1987-1989 Dr. Who opening credits). Below the TARDIS is the BBC

Announcer "Good evening.  The BBC would like to remind its viewers that
           the poster of this program, Greg McCambley, would like to
           hear suggestions for possible spoofs.  Also, the BBC has a
           message for all American fans: BWAAAAA HA HA HA! You will 
           never get BBC Dr. Who books as long as we live!!!!!"

  (The Announcer spends a few seconds quieting down, although you can 
   still hear him giggling)

          "And now on BBC, a new comedy program, Monty Python's Flying


Scene- The interior of the TARDIS, 1996 movie version.  The 8th Doctor
       is standing at attention behind the console, facing the camera.

8th Doctor "Ladies and gentlemen, I am not simply going to start the first
            episode of this series with the jokes that were planned, as we
            have been told that the Queen of England will be watching part
            of the program tonight.  She is apparently watching `Baywatch'
            at the moment, but we will be informed when she changes the 

Voice (off-camera) "Which Queen?"

Doctor "What do you mean, which Queen? Queen Elizabeth, of course!"

Voice "Queen Elizabeth the First, or Queen Elizabeth the Second?"

Doctor (quite exasperated) "Well it's not likely to be Elizabeth the First,
                            is it? I mean, I knew her, and visited her on
                            several occasions, and not once did she mention
                            to me that she owned a TV set!  TV sets weren't
                            even invented then!  How could Queen Elizabeth 
                            the First even own a TV set?"

Voice "Maybe the Monk brought her one, then set her up with electric power."

Doctor (looking thoughtful) "It's a possibility, I suppose..." 

  (The Doctor begins setting the coordinates, when Grace walks in)

                            "Ah, Elsie, there you are."

Grace (looking into the camera with a look of dread on her face)
      "I'm not your Elsie, I'm your Grace"

Doctor (looking pained) "What a terrible line!"

Grace (looking resentful) "But it's my only one!"

  (The Doctor and Grace begin arguing about the terrible script writing,
   and then we hear the Announcer begin to speak)

Announcer "Well, while they're busy arguing, I guess it's up to me to 
           start the show.  And now...."


SFX- The TARDIS is flying through the Vortex, and the words "Monty Python's
     Flying TARDIS' fly across the screen.  As the TARDIS gets to the center
     of the screen, a large, animated foot squashes it.


Scene- A windswept mountain pass at night.  There are large outcroppings
       of rock amidst fields of short, sparse grass.  A wheezing groan
       suddenly appears, drowning out the sound of the wind.  A large,
       rectangular blue box appears, with a flashing light on top.  The
       groan then stops, and only the howls of the wind are heard.  Then,
       the door of the TARDIS opens, and we hear voices.

Jamie "Where did ye say we were, Doctor? It nae seems verra hospitable, 
       although it seems a little like Scotland."

2nd Doctor (looking around) "Well, I didn't say.  Not yet, anyway.  I want
                             to see if I can confirm what the instruments

  (He looks around with keen interest, noting every aspect of the territory,
   and comparing it to pictures drawn in a book titled `500 Year Diary'.)
                            "Yes, that certainly seems right, but I must  
                             make sure..."

  (He picks up a sample or two of rock, and brings them over to the light
   that is spilling out of the TARDIS doorway, and looks at them through
   a handlens.  Jamie is getting impatient, and is keeping a watchful
   eye on the rocks around them)

Jamie "Where's Victoria, Doctor? It canna take this long to change."

Doctor "Oh, I'm sure she'll be out shortly, Jamie."  (He closes the book and
       "We did make it there! That's wonderful!"

Jamie "Och, so ye do know where we are."

Doctor "Well of course I do.  We're in the Himalayas.  We're in Tibet!"

Jamie "Aye, and where's Tibet?"

Doctor "In Asia, Jamie.  It's a long change of mountains.  Specifically,  
        we're on Mt. Everest.  Forbidding.  Aloof.  Terrifying.   
        The mountain with the biggest..." 

Victoria (just leaving the TARDIS, cuts him off) "Doctor?"

Doctor "Yes, Victoria?"

Victoria "I have a theory."

Doctor "Oh yes, Victoria? What is it?"

Victoria (looks around) "Where?"

Doctor "No, no your theory."

Victoria "Oh, what is my theory?"

Doctor "Yes."

Victoria "Oh what is my theory that it is.  Well Doctor you may well ask me
          what is my theory."

Doctor "I am asking."

Victoria "Good for you.  My word yes. Well Doctor what it is that it is-this
          theory of mine.  Well, this is what it is-my theory that I have,
          that is to say, which is mine, is mine."

  (The Doctor and Jamie are beginning to look exasperated by Victoria)

Doctor "Yes, I know its yours, what is it?"

Victoria "Where? Oh, what is my theory?  This is it." (she clears her throat
 at some great length)
         "I think we're in Tibet."

  (Jamie rolls his eyes skyward, and the Doctor does a double take)

Doctor "Well, thank you Victoria.  You seem to have summed up the situation
        quite nicely."

Victoria "Thank you, Doctor."

  (As they are talking, the camera pulls back away from the TARDIS, to 
   reveal a full `Monty Python's Flying TARDIS' crew.  Sitting in a crew
   chair is Jo Grant, going through her lines.)

Reporter "We are quite privileged to be here, on the set of Monty Python's
          Flying TARDIS, talking to Miss Jo Grant.  Miss Grant, you were
          on "Doctor Who" for three seasons, until you decided to leave.
          What made you decide to join this program?"

Jo Grant (smiling sweetly) "Well, I realized that I missed the closeness
                            that we had shared on "Doctor Who", and so 
                            when the offer to do this show came, I jumped
                            at the chance."

Reporter "And what are you doing on the `Abominable Snowmen' set?"

Jo Grant "The wonderful aspect of this program is that it allows me to
          appear in stories I had never been in before, and this is 
          one of those stories."

Reporter "What part will you be playing? A plucky little Tibetan woman?"

Jo Grant (giggling) "No.  The Producers convinced me that I could play
                     a Yeti."

Reporter (look of surprise) "A... Yeti?"

Jo Grant "That's right."

Reporter "You...will be playing a Yeti?"

Jo Grant "Yes."

Reporter "Won't you find the costume a little warm and heavy?"

Jo Grant "Oh, I won't be needing a costume.  How hard can it be to play a

Reporter "Have you ever seen a Yeti?"

Jo Grant "Well I've seen one.  Well a little one...a picture of a...I've
          heard about them."

Reporter "Yeti are large fur covered creatures which are actually robots
          designed as slaves for the Great Intelligence!  How could you,
          an attractive woman, possibly play such a thing?"

Jo Grant (desperately fighting back tears) "Method acting?"

Reporter "You're a very silly woman and I'm not going to interview you."

  (Reporter gets up and walks off-camera.  Jo sits there mentally composing

Jo Grant "Things weren't like this when I joined `Doctor Who'."

SFX- The picture begins to go all wavy as Jo begins to reminisce about
     "Terror of the Autons".


Scene- The interior of the factory office from "Terror of the Autons".
       The Master is standing in the office, with a hypnotised Jo 
       standing next to him.

The Master "I am the Master, and you will obey me."

  (Jo Grant nods)

The Master "Now, what shall I do with you, Miss Grant?"

  (He goes over to a package, picks it up, and brings it over to Jo)

           "Take this little surprise over to your friend the Doctor.
            I'm sure he'll get a bang out of it."

  (Jo nods, and she takes the package and leaves.  The Master, smiling to 
   himself, goes over to the desk and sits down.  A few seconds later, the 
   red question mark handle of an umbrella slams down on the desktop)

7th Doctor "OK, Master...Don't move!"

The Master "The Doctor!"

SFX- Animated crime-series-type titles, with suitable music:


Scene- Interior of the Panopticon on Gallifrey.  A crowd of Time Lords
       are gathered around, waiting for The President of the High 
       Council to speak.  The Doctor is desperately heading towards
       the Panopticon, trying to stop an assassination.

Lord President "My fellow Time Lords, I have a few words I must say to 
                you all..."

  (The Doctor arrives)

4th Doctor "The speech, Lord President! Don't give the speech!"

Lord President "I, your President..."

  (The President is immediately shot down)

4th Doctor "I was too late.  The President is dead."


Scene-  The interior of the Tomb of Rassilon.  President Borusa is standing
        next to the body of Rassilon, who's image is floating nearby.
        The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Doctors are all standing off to the side.

Rassilon "So, Lord President Borusa, you seek Immortality!"

Borusa "I do."

Doctors 2,3, and 5 "The ring, Borusa!  Don't touch the ring!"

  (Rassilon's image turns its head to indicate the Doctors)

Rassilon "And what of these beings?"

Borusa "Do not listen to them, Lord Rassilon.  They are my servants."

Rassilon (asking the Doctors) "Is this true?"

3rd Doctor "It most certainly is not!"

2nd Doctor "Don't believe him!"

5th Doctor "Don't listen to him!"

1st Doctor (indicating his other selves) "Don't listen to them!"

Rassilon "You believe he deserves Immortality!"

1st Doctor "I do!"

Rassilon "Very well."

SFX- The image of Rassilon disappears, to be replaced by Rassilon in the
     flesh.  He is wearing the most glittery, gaudy robes one could
     possibly imagine.

Rassilon (arm around Borusa's shoulders) " Lord President Borusa, do you
                                           still want Immortality?"

Borusa "Yes, yes."

Rassilon "I'll offer you a poke in the eye."

Borusa "No! I want Immortality."

Rassilon "A punch in the throat."

Borusa "No."

Rassilon "All right then, a kick in the kneecap."

Borusa "No."

Rassilon "Lord Borusa, I'm offering you a boot in the teeth and a dagger
          up the strap."

Borusa "Er..."

Doctors "Immortality! Take the Immortality!"

Borusa "No, no.  I'll take the Immortality."

Rassilon "Very well then, Lord Borusa, you have won tonight's star prize,
          Immortality!  Put on the ring."

  (Borusa puts on the ring, and eerie organ music begins to wail.  Borusa
   grimaces in pain, and his hand falls to his side.  The ring disappears
   from his hand, only to appear back on Rassilon's hand.)

         "Well, Doctors.  Congratulations.  You may say your goodbyes and 
          go.  You have chosen wisely!"

  (Rassilon abruptly fades away, leaving the Doctors alone with their
   companions.  They all make their goodbyes and pile into the TARDIS,
   which then splits into several segments, returning them to their 
   separate time zones.  Chancellor Flavia then appears, with a full
   squad of Gallifreyan guards.)

Chancellor Flavia (calling out) "Doctors, are you here?" (Silence.)
                                "But who'll end the show?"

Voices (off) "You'll have to do it."

Chancellor Flavia "Me? But I couldn't possibly.  I'm not a star of the 
                   show!" (getting angry)  "This didn't happen in the
                   original program!"

Jo Grant (coming from off-set) "That's what I was saying earlier!"

Chancellor Flavia "Honestly!  What kind of show would treat such revered
                   programs as Doctor Who and Monty Python so shabbily?"

Roll end credits        

                        Monty Python's Flying TARDIS

                               was created by
                               Greg McCambley

                        from ideas originally created
                        for programs that were far, 
                        far better than anything I
                        could come up with.  :-)

                        It would take far too long to
                        list everyone involved in the
                        development of both programs, 
                        so a very great thanks must go
                        to them all (they know who they
                        are).  :-)
                        If you have any ideas, and would
                        like to see them in Monty Python's
                        Flying TARDIS, please feel free 
                        to e-mail me.  I'll see what I can

                        Thanks for reading these little 
                        bits.  You can shut your computer
                        off now.  Spend some time with a
                        loved one.  Feed your cat.  Let
                        your cat feed you.  Let your
                        cat feed your loved ones.  See,
                        life can be enjoyed in a variety
                        of ways, some of which are better
                        than sitting in the dark staring
                        at a small screen.  Come to
                        think of it, I'll probably go 
                        watch an old episode of "Dr. Who"
                        or "Monty Python" or something,
                        so please disregard that last 
                        statement.  :-)
                      Greg McCambley (this is what I'm saying)