About the author. :)

Hi y'all my name is Kathryn (AKA Knightwolf1228). I want to tell y'all a little about myself if ya'll listen.

I have a rather dull life which I find to be satisfactory. My job and my time on the internet (when I can get on) are two things that help keep me sane.

I graduated from Hopkins High in Minnesota. I beleive that I could have been a more productive and valuble student but I cannot go back and change the mistakes that I have made. I can only try to improve myself for the future.

I wanted to attend the Police Academy and one day become and officer of the law; okay I actually I wanted to make Homicide Detective in the next 20 years but because of my weight and some minor injuries I have had to think about revising my plans. I have thought about studying Forensics and/or Pathology so that I can still help in the pursute of truth. Perhapes one day we will all hear about an M.E. (me) that found the crucial piece of evidence in an investigation. I can only hope that one of my dreams comes true.

Speeking of truth let's talk about favorite shows. My favorite shows, aside from Forever Knight, which include (in no particular order): The X-Files, Highlander: the Television Series, Poltergeist: The Legacy, The Outer Limits, Earth: Final Conflict, Classic Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, The Sentinel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: the Television Series, Angel, Charmed, Farscape, The Invisible Man, Night Heat, LAPD: Life on the Beat, COPS, Seven Days, Alien Nation, Time Trax, SeaQuest, SeaQuest: 2032, Quantum Leap, and many more. What a list! I didn't think that it would ever end.

As long as we're on the subject of favorites my favorite movies include: Highlander (all three), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Dune, Men In Black, Nick Knight, An American Werewolf in London, An American Werewolf in Paris, Innocent Blood, Practical Magic, Office Space, Teen Wolf, My Best Friend is a Vampire, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Legend, Interview With The Vampire, Monty Python's Meaning of Life, Star Wars Trilogy, Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menece, and all nine of the Star Trek movies.

And just for good messure heres a list of my favorite animes (some are series and some are movies):Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Fushigi Yuugi, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Bubble Gum Crissis 2040, Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Slayers, Slayers: Try, Slayers: The Motion Picture, Vandred, Love Hina, and X.

I have good friends and they put up with a great deal of my eccentrics; for that I wish to thank them! And if the rummers are true I want to congragdulate my friend Alysa on her up coming marriage.

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If you want to add any qoutes to the this page, any others or you just have a suggestion on how I can make this site more friendly E-mail me at knightwolf1228@yahoo.com.

This Page last updated by Kathryn Dexter on 10.19.2002