The Skydiver

The Skydiver earns his fate...

The Skydiver, a poor fool, is almost as popular as Old Man Jamal. He was created on the same day as his counterpart, Jamal. His story has been retold many times, and he dies in all of them. His parachute never opens, and as such, he tends to have sick and humorous endings. He was originally created as a nameless character, and he still has no name. He needs no name: he is The Skydiver!!

The Skydiver makes a big splash

The Skydiver was an instant success, and almost always appears with Old Man Jamal. This guy has no background, or any information at all, unlike Old Man Jamal. He is usually incorporated as a brief, rambling paragraph, such as: "Then, from out of nowhere, a skydiver slammed into the beach. Some firemen came and put him in a plastic lunch bag, using sporks."

Support the Skydiver

For some reason which escapes me, The Skydiver enjoys as much popularity as Old Man Jamal. They almost always appear together, making a combination that most english teachers find particularly write about him! Support The Skydiver! Tell me if you do!

The Skydiver Rules!!

The Story of the Skydiver

the origin of this mysterious skydiver is hazey at best. There are not but rumors.... rumors of a scaled ruler of a vast land.... a day when the unbelievers blood stained the streets..... a day when the drunk extra walked through the right door...... a day when ancient gods banished this ill begotten jealous king to an island.... an island of Bombcrack.

and it has been said there the lizard king met with the current rulers.... who perched upon a franklin stove in a bathtub atop an empty apartment building...... and he said he was the Lizard king of all the land and shall now claim this formerly unknown island for himself.... The current ruler.... who was a humble god of no name who looked down upon upstart lizard kings..... was unhappy with this green ugly-mans rantings..... so he further cursed the mook.... He cursed him to eternal deaths...... yes thats plural.... deaths..... for the lizard king........ has to fall from unfortold hieghts everyday and die a horrible death to a faulty parachute....... in fact, the hight is so god damn high that his scales burn off in re-entry.... and there we have it.... the skydiver... and a possibility to his mysterious origin...

Submitted By Lord Christoph of Piglington and the territory of Howe

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