
Pictures In Memory Of The First Tribe.

May they rest in peace.

My Little Gurgi, The First Born and Chief of the assembled tribe of Norn.

Pookey, The would be Chief after Gurgi. May he rest in peace.

Suger Drop 2nd born to Gurgi and Ziggy's mate

Ziggy, 2nd in power and apparent mate to Suger Drop

Alexis the Scorned, bringer of the great plague. (deceased)

Athena the late hatching hatchery child. She seems to keep tabs on the grendle when it is in the eastern lands and warns the others when it gets to close for comfort.

Gurgi in his old age and with his only son Gurgi Junior, whom is destined by his above normal intelligence. I've not seen Gurgi leave his side, nor have I seen Jr. stray off more than a few feet. I hope that Gurgi's death does not cause Jr. as much pain as it will me. Gurgi Jr. was destroyed in the power surge, and will never take rank, though Roxy is still in suspended animation, if she has a hild he will be named the heir and titled Gurgi Jr. This picture with his father is the only I have, and it is my favorite out of all.

If you would like to know about any Norns I have exported or even the copies I may have of some of the above, please drop me a note at and I will email you the file as soon as possible.