Unfilmed Novels, and Miscellanea
by Kevin S. Decker
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Dr. Who and the TARDIS copyright 1997 BBC Worldwide; Missing Adventures and New Adventures book covers copyright Virgin Books; Eighth Doctor and Past Doctors book covers copyright BBC Press. This site is for educational and informational purposes and attempts in no way to infringe upon the copyrights of any of the aforementioned.
Images courtesy of Steve Hill's Dr. Who Image Archive. Thanks to Steve, Lance Parkin, the St. Louis CIA, everyone at the BBC, and Everybody know who you are!
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<-William Hartnell was the First Doctor, defining the role from 1963-66 as a distracted, grouchy scientist who had little, if any, control of his time machine, the TARDIS. Patrick Troughton was the Second Doctor from 1966-69, drastically reforming the image of the character to that of deceptively innocent-seeming traveller who was always one step ahead of his enemies' game. --> |
<-Jon Pertwee introduced Britain to the world of the Doctor in color, 1970-74. This third incarnation was self-righteous, contemptuous of authority, yet with a love of style and a flair for adventure. Tom Baker played the Fourth, and perhaps most popular Doctor for a record seven years--1974-81. The bohemian sensibilities, witty repartee, and wild eccentricities of this incarnation proved vey popular. -> |
<-Peter Davison portrayed the Fifth Doctor from 1981-1984. Young-looking and often brash, this Doctor had a high moral sense and a talent for saving impossible situations by the skin of his teeth. Colin Baker was the Sixth Doctor, 1984-1987. This incarnation's lurid fashion sense and overbearing demeanor often overshadowed his love of language and passion for life. -> |
<-Sylvester McCoy was the seventh incarnation of the Doctor, changing drastically during his time, 1987-89 from an empathetic clown to a mysterious, very alien character. In the gripping series of "New Adventures" (1991-96) the Seventh Doctor deals with life as a cosmic manipulator. Paul McGann stands as the Eighth, and current Doctor in a BBC/Universal telefilm (1996) and a series of novels. His portrayal of the character is charismatic, sensitive, even naive, but possessed of a thousand years of alien wisdom nonetheless.-> |
Legend: Production Code=AA,BBBc, etc.;V=full story availability in BBC archives (*indicates existing episodes and/or telesnap version in the author's own collection), B=Book availability, A=Audio availability ("MSSADV" denotes one of Virgin's "Missing Adventures" books, "BBCADV" denotes a BBC Press Past Doctor title; both are tallied as Unfilmed Adventures or UAs under each actor's tenure as the Doctor); Story Title (# of episodes--Italics denotes story available on BBC Video (PAL), Bold denotes story missing episodes); Original transmission date; Companion joined or left; TARDIS landing date & time/main setting (Dating of stories is CE unless otherwise noted and is established from Lance Parkin's A History of the Universe except in the case of UNIT stories marked with a * where I have supplied a putable chronology)
29 stories/133 episodes/6 UAs
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
1. (A) |
VB |
100,000 BC (4) |
23.11.63-14.12.63 |
Susan, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright |
Earth (1963 & 100,000 BCE) |
2. (B) |
VB |
The Daleks (7) |
21.12.63-1.2.64 |
" | Skaro (1963) |
3. (C) |
VB |
Inside the Spaceship (2) |
8.2.64-15.2.64 |
" |
The Vortex |
4. (D) |
B |
Marco Polo (7) |
22.2.64-4.4.64 |
" |
Pamir Plateau (1289) |
B |
The Sorceror's Apprentice (Bulis) |
- |
" |
Elbyon (3025) |
5. (E) |
VB |
The Keys of Marinus (6) |
11.4.64-16.5.64 |
" |
Unnamed planet |
6. (F) |
VB |
The Aztecs (4) |
23.5.64-13.6.64 |
" |
Mexico (1430) |
7. (G) |
VB |
The Sensorites (6) |
20.6.64-1.8.64 |
" |
Maitland's ship (2764) |
8. (H) |
*B |
The Reign of Terror (6) |
8.8.64-12.9.64 |
" |
Outside Paris (1793) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
Season Two: 1964-65 (39 episodes)
B |
The Witch Hunters (Lyons) |
- |
Susan, Ian, Barbara |
Salem, Massachussetts (1692) |
9. (J) |
VB |
Planet of Giants (3) |
31.10.64-14.11.64 |
" |
Earth (1964) |
10. (K) |
VB |
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (6) |
21.11.64-26.12.64 |
Susan leaves |
London (2167) |
B |
Venusian Lullaby (Leonard) |
- |
Ian, Barbara |
Venus (3 billion BCE) |
11. (L) |
VB |
The Rescue (2) |
2.1.65-9.1.65 |
Vicki |
Dido (2493) |
12. (M) |
VB |
The Romans (4) |
16.1.65-6.2.65 |
Ian, Barbara, Vicki |
Outside Rome (64 CE) |
13. (N) |
VB |
The Web Planet (6) |
13.2.65-20.3.65 |
" |
Vortis (20,000 CE) |
14. (P) |
B |
The Crusade (4) |
27.3.65-17.4.65 |
" |
Palestine (1191) |
15. (Q) |
VB |
The Space Museum (4) |
24.4.65-15.5.65 |
" |
Xeros |
B |
The Plotters (Roberts) |
- |
" |
London (1605) |
16. (R) |
VB |
The Chase (6) |
22.5.65-26.6.65 |
Steven Taylor, Ian & Barbara leave |
Aridius, Earth (1872, 1966, 1996), Mechanus (2267) |
17. (S) |
VB |
The Time Meddler (4) |
3.724.7.65 |
Steven & Vicki |
Northumbria (1066) |
B |
The Empire of Glass |
- |
" |
Venice (1609) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
Season Three:1965-66 (45 episodes)
18. (T) |
B |
Galaxy Four (4) |
11.9.65-2.10.65 |
Steven &Vicki |
Doomed planet |
19. (DC) |
B |
Dalek Cutaway (1) |
9.10.65 |
N/A |
Kembel (4000 CE) |
20. (U) |
B |
The Myth Makers (4) |
1.10.65-6.11.65 |
Vicki leaves, Katarina |
Troy (1184 BCE) |
21. (V) |
B |
The Dalek Masterplan (12) |
13.11.65-29.1.66 |
Katarina dies, Sara Kingdom (dies) |
Earth (1965/66), Egypt (2650 BCE), Tigus, Kembel (4000) |
22. (W) |
B |
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve (4) |
5.2.66-26.2.66 |
Dodo Chaplet |
Paris (1572), Wimbledon Common (1966) |
23. (Y) |
VB |
The Ark (4) |
5.3.66-26.3.66 |
Steven & Dodo |
Space Ark, Refusis (10,000,700) |
24. (X) |
B |
The Celestial Toymaker (4) |
2.4.66-23.4.66 |
" |
Celestial Toyroom |
25. (Z) |
VB |
The Gunfighters (4) |
30.4.66-21.5.66 |
" |
Tombstone, Arizona (1881) |
26. (AA) |
*B |
The Savages (4) |
28.5.66-18.6.66 |
Steven leaves |
Jano's World |
B |
The Man in the Velvet Mask (O'Mahony) |
- |
Dodo |
"Paris" (1804) |
27. (BB) |
VB |
The War Machines (4) |
25.6.66-16.7.66 |
Dodo leaves, Ben Jackson & Polly Wright |
London (1966) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
Season Four: 1966-67 (43 episodes)
28. (CC) |
B |
The Smugglers (4) |
10.9.66-1.10.66 |
Ben & Polly |
Cornwall (1666) |
29. (DD) |
*B |
The Tenth Planet (4) |
8.10.66-29.10.66 |
" |
South Pole (1986) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
21 stories/119 episodes/6 UAs
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
30. (EE) |
AB |
The Power of the Daleks (6) |
5.11.66-10.12.66 |
Ben & Polly |
Vulcan (2020) |
B |
Invasion of the Cat-People (Russell) |
- |
" |
Cumbria (1994), Baghdad (900 CE) |
B |
The Murder Game (Lyons) |
- |
" |
Hotel Galaxian (2146 CE) |
31. (FF) |
*B |
The Highlanders (4) |
17.12.66-7.1.67 |
Jamie McCrimmon |
Scotland (1746) |
B |
The Roundheads |
- |
Ben, Polly & Jamie |
London (16 ) |
32. (GG) |
*B |
The Underwater Menace (4) |
14.1.67-4.2.67 |
" |
Atlantis (1970) |
33. (HH) |
B |
The Moonbase (4) |
11.2.67-4.3.67 |
" |
Earth's Moon (2070) |
34. (JJ) |
AB |
The Macra Terror (4) |
11.3.67-1.4.67 |
" |
Earth colony (2366) |
35. (KK) |
B |
The Faceless Ones (6) |
8.4.67-13.5.67 |
Ben & Polly leave |
Gatwick Airport (1966) |
36. (LL) |
AB |
Evil of the Daleks (7) |
20.5.67-1.7.67 |
Victoria Waterfield |
Earth (1966, 1866), Skaro (2966) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
Season Five: 1967-68 (40 episodes)
B |
Dreams of Empire |
- |
Jamie & Victoria |
37. (MM) |
VB |
The Tomb of the Cybermen (4) |
2.9.67-23.9.67 |
Jamie & Victoria |
Telos (2486) |
38. (NN) |
B |
The Abominable Snowmen (6) |
30.9.67-4.11.67 |
" |
Tibet (1935) |
39. (OO) |
*B |
The Ice Warriors (6) |
11.11.67-16.12.67 |
" |
Brittanicus Base, Earth (3000) |
40. (PP) |
B |
The Enemy of the World (6) |
23.12.67-9.3.68 |
" |
Australia (2017) |
41. (QQ) |
*B |
The Web of Fear (6) |
3.2.68-9.3.68 |
" |
London (1968) |
B |
Twilight of the Gods (Bulis) |
- |
" |
Vortis (21,000 CE) |
B |
The Dark Path (McIntee) |
- |
" |
Darkheart (31st century) |
42. (RR) |
*B |
Fury from the Deep (6) |
16.3.68-20.4.68 |
Victoria leaves |
North Sea (1975) |
43. (SS) |
*B |
The Wheel in Space (6) |
27.4.68-1.6.68 |
Zoe Herriot |
Space Station W3 (2068) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
Season Six: 1968-69 (38 episodes)
44. (TT) |
VB |
The Dominators (4) |
10.8.68-7.9.68 |
Jamie & Zoe |
Dulkis |
45. (UU) |
VB |
The Mind Robber (5) |
14.9.68-12.10.68 |
" |
Land of Fiction |
46. (VV) |
VB |
The Invasion (8) |
2.10.68-21.12.68 |
Outside London (1969)* |
47. (WW) |
VB |
The Krotons (4) |
28.12.68-18.1.69 |
Jamie & Zoe |
Planet of the Gonds |
48. (XX) |
VB |
The Seeds of Death (6) |
25.1.69-12.3.69 |
" |
Earth, Earth's Moon (2044) |
49. (YY) |
B |
The Space Pirates (6) |
8.3.69-12.4.69 |
" |
Space Beacon 6 (2119) |
B |
The Menagerie (Day) |
- |
" |
Unnamed planet (3417) |
50. (ZZ) |
VB |
The War Games (10) |
19.4.69-21.6.69 |
Jamie & Zoe leave |
War Lords' planet (309,906), Gallifrey |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
24 stories/128 episodes/7 UAs
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
| ||
51. (3A) |
VB |
Spearhead from Space (4) |
3.1.70-24.1.70 |
Liz Shaw, UNIT |
Earth (1970)* |
52. (3B) |
VB |
Doctor Who and the Silurians (7) |
31.1.70-14.3.70 |
" |
"* |
53. (3C) |
B |
The Ambassadors of Death (7) |
21.3.70-2.5.70 |
" |
"* |
54. (3D) |
VB |
Inferno (7) |
9.5.70-20.6.70 |
" |
"* |
B |
The Eye of the Giant (Bulis) |
- |
" |
Earth (1970)*, Salutua Island (1934) |
B |
Devil Goblins from Neptune (Day & Topping) |
- |
" |
Earth (1970) |
B |
The Scales of Injustice (Russell) |
- |
Liz leaves |
"* |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
55. (3E) |
VB |
Terror of the Autons (4) |
2.1.71-23.1.71 |
Jo Grant, UNIT |
Earth (1971)* |
56. (3F) |
VB |
The Mind of Evil (6) |
30.1.71-6.3.71 |
" |
"* |
57. (3G) |
VB |
The Claws of Axos (4) |
13.3.71-3.4.71 |
" |
"* |
58. (3H) |
VB |
Colony in Space (6) |
10.4.71-15.5.71 |
Jo Grant |
Earth (1971)*, Exarius (2472) |
59. (3J) |
VB |
The Daemons (5) |
22.5.71-19.6.71 |
Jo Grant, UNIT |
Earth (1972)* |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
B |
Wages of Sin |
- |
Jo Grant, Liz Shaw |
Russia (Early 20th century) |
60. (3K) |
VB |
The Day of the Daleks (4) |
1.1.72-22.1.72 |
Jo Grant |
Earth (1972*, 2172) |
61. (3M) |
VB |
The Curse of Peladon (4) |
29.1.72-19.2.72 |
" |
Peladon (3885 CE) |
62. (3L) |
VB |
The Sea Devils (6) |
26.2.72-1.4.72 |
" |
Earth (1972)* |
63. (3N) |
VB |
The Mutants (6) |
8.4.72-13.5.72 |
" |
Skybase One, Solos (2990) |
64. (3O) |
VB |
The Time Monster (6) |
20.5.72-24.6.72 |
Jo Grant, UNIT |
Earth (1972)*, Atlantis (2000 BCE), Vortex |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
65. (3R) |
VB |
The Three Doctors (4) |
30.12.72-20.1.73 |
Jo Grant, UNIT |
Earth (1973)*,Omega'sWorld of Anti-matter |
66. (3P) |
VB |
Carnival of Monsters (4) |
27.1.73-17.2.73 |
Jo Grant |
Vorg's Scope |
B |
Catastrophea |
- |
" |
67. (3Q) |
VB |
Frontier in Space (6) |
24.2.73-31.3.73 |
" |
Cargo ship (2540) |
68. (3S) |
B |
Planet of the Daleks (6) |
7.4.73-12.5.73 |
" |
Spiridon (2540) |
B |
Dancing the Code (Leonard) |
- |
Jo Grant, UNIT |
Earth (1973)* |
B |
Speed of Flight (Leonard) |
- |
Jo Grant, Mike Yates |
Nooma |
69. (3T) |
VB |
The Green Death (6) |
19.5.73-23.6.73 |
Jo leaves |
Earth (1973)* |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |
70. (3U) |
VB |
The Time Warrior (4) |
15.12.73-5.1.74 |
Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT |
Earth (1973)*, Wessex (1273) |
AB | The Paradise of Death (Letts) |
- |
Sarah Jane, the Brigadier |
Earth, Parakon (1974)* |
71. (3W) |
VB | Invasion of the Dinosaurs (6) |
12.1.74-16.2.74 | Sarah Jane, UNIT |
Earth (1974)* |
72. (3X) |
VB |
Death to the Daleks (4) |
23.2.74-16.3.74 |
Sarah Jane |
Exxilon (2600) |
B |
The Ghosts of N-Space (Letts) |
- |
Sarah Jane, the Brigadier |
Earth (1974)* |
73. (3Y) |
VB |
The Monster of Peladon (6) |
23.3.74-27.4.74 |
Sarah Jane |
Peladon (3935) |
74. (3Z) |
VB |
Planet of Spiders (6) |
4.5.74-8.6.74 |
Sarah Jane, UNIT |
Earth (1974)*, Metebelis III (5433) |
Season | Doctor | Top | Spectrus |