Welcome to the my Guestbook.
Take a look around the Domhain and let me know what you think.
Feel free to share your comments, compliments, and complaints,
but please do not try to use html code in your messages.


Garrett Morgan - 09/07/00 18:50:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/MaDMoRgAn
My Email:wildmage37@hotmail.com
City: Valencia
State: CA
Country: USA
Date: 9/7/00

Great job on all your stuff, You have inspired an Eldar uprising on the west coast. hopfully i'll have some info bout them soon.

romero - 05/04/00 17:38:19
My Email:romero@net4you.at
Country: austria

the utumno cabal is great! i like that painting style, one of the coolest ever seen!

Krusher - 04/09/00 14:51:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dakrusher_uk/index.html
My Email:monkeykrusher@hotmail.com
City: London
Country: UK
Date: 4/9/00

Nice site, I never knew you ever had one! If you want, we could swap links. Mail me if you do:)

CACTUS JACK - 02/19/00 07:39:25


feral - 02/07/00 01:39:13
My Email:????????
City: armidale
State: N.S.W
Country: Australia
Date: 9th feb 2000

this is a cool page i love your army,it's so sweet i will come back and see if your army gets bigger see ya!!!!!

Al Goerlich - 01/09/00 02:43:46
City: Marion
State: OH
Date: 1/8/00

Just looking

Geoff Kemp - 01/06/00 20:17:37
My URL:http://www.40k.org/adeptus_eurasia
My Email:geoffkemp@hotmail.com

Great site can`t wait to pop back sometime and seehow your projects are progressing.

Prospero - 01/06/00 06:21:10
My URL:http://www.hillcity-comics.com/GW_miniatures/GW.htm
My Email:cnorman@microage-tb.com
City: Thunder Bay
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Date: Jan 6 2000

Nice site, M'Lady. Some VERY good fiction. Keep up the good work! :)

Frostblade - 01/05/00 21:02:55
My URL:http://grimdarknes.tripod.com

Hey Lady Zerr, nifty page, great design! Maybe I'll see you at one of the Grand Tourneys this year...

Asuryan - 10/15/99 01:40:35

It is really hard tracking down all these old sites.

Wulfen - 08/13/99 15:21:44
My URL:http://www.lcs.net/users/wulfen/general 40k/40k index.html
My Email:wulfen@lcs.net

Nice. But my new army, Waaagghhh Snogrot, will not be beaten as easily as my Space Puppies were, hehehe. :)

Milan - 08/01/99 00:54:05
My URL:http://www.iwishi.had/a.webpage
My Email:gnezda@netadvantage.com.au
City: Adelaide
State: South Australia
Country: Australia
Date: 1/8/99

Howdy folks! Just dropped by to say howdy. :) I must say, your website gets better every time I see it fair elven queen. By the way, what happened to your hubby? :)

OrionKin - 07/31/99 23:31:28
My URL:http://members.home.net/mprints/

Ooops! That address was http://members.home.net/mprints Sorry :)

OrionKin - 07/31/99 23:29:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~pakage/
My Email:pakage@home.net

Greetings Lady Zerr! Wow, we're gone for a bit and you've busted out all over with this great site! Everything looks great - the pictures are really cool! Without getting too mushy, let me say thank you for the mention on the acknowledgements page. I was uite surprised and touched, glad we could help. Sorry we haven't been in touch lately but Vicky and I started a comic book company in February and it's been non-stop ever since. Not much time for gaming, but I DID put an Eldar fleet together, too. If you're surfing, check out our new page at . We will be in Memphis over Labor Day weekend. Hope you both are doing well and keep up the great work! Later.

Archon of the shadow blades - 07/12/99 18:20:51
My Email:hjelmman@quicknet.inet.fi
City: Lappeenranta
Country: Finland
Date: 7.12 99

Good looking page! the best dark eldar page ever seen.keep on good work

Churoc Faar - 07/09/99 12:19:00
City: Provo
State: UT

Good page Lady. It's great when people put their heart into their work. Keep up the hard work.

Ptolemy - 06/29/99 17:03:09
City: Mountain View
State: CA
Country: USA
Date: 29 June 99

You are a fine paintress. Good luck with the Gargant. I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

Coony - 06/07/99 09:58:19
My URL:/Area51/Corridor/6252/Warhammer2.html
My Email:coony69@hotmail.com
City: Bothell
State: Wa
Country: USA
Date: Um, 7 Jun 99?

Hiya Lady Zerr. Long time no write. Just popping in to see how your page is doing. Looks good! Keep up the good work, CYA around!

Coony - 06/07/99 09:58:13
My URL:/Area51/Corridor/6252/Warhammer2.html
My Email:coony69@hotmail.com
City: Bothell
State: Wa
Country: USA
Date: Um, 7 Jun 99?

Hiya Lady Zerr. Long time no write. Just popping in to see how your page is doing. Looks good! Keep up the good work, CYA around!

Coony - 06/07/99 09:58:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/6252/Warhammer2.html
My Email:coony69@hotmail.com
City: Bothell
State: Wa
Country: USA
Date: Um, 7 Jun 99?

Hiya Lady Zerr. Long time no write. Just popping in to see how your page is doing. Looks good! Keep up the good work, CYA around!

Coony - 06/07/99 09:58:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/6252/Warhammer2.html
My Email:coony69@hotmail.com
City: Bothell
State: Wa
Country: USA
Date: Um, 7 Jun 99?

Hiya Lady Zerr. Long time no write. Just popping in to see how your page is doing. Looks good! Keep up the good work, CYA around!

Coony - 06/07/99 09:57:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/6252/Warhammer2.html
My Email:coony69@hotmail.com
City: Bothell
State: Wa
Country: USA
Date: Um, 7 Jun 99?

Hiya Lady Zerr. Long time no write. Just popping in to see how your page is doing. Looks good! Keep up the good work, CYA around!

Ridge - 05/26/99 19:42:15
My Email:ridgley@janrix.com
City: Ft.Bragg
State: NC
Country: US
Date: 5/19/99

Hi, Chris the site looks good

Phillip - 05/23/99 03:59:59
My Email:shadowworrior@hotmail.com
City: houston
State: tx
Date: 5-22-99

nice page cool tank and tight story

Arkhan - 05/22/99 07:21:17
My Email:Carcharoth_@hotmail.com
Country: oZ

I finally checked out your page Lady Z., and I must say that I'm impressed. Good work. ~Shirak~

SLaYeR - 05/22/99 02:29:52
My Email:slayer_npc@yahoo.com
Country: New Zealand
Date: 22/5/99

Howdy Lady Zerr, SLaYeR from Asaheim here....very nice site so far, just hought I'd let ya know I visited :)

I especially liked the approach taken with the front page, that landscape pic is a nice change to the noraml. :)

Gen Arfa - 05/16/99 16:36:32
My Email:mjday@powercom.com.au

Lady Zerr must say your site looks cool LOVE the backdrop on your home page

Tofer - 05/15/99 01:40:31
My Email:oakley_c@hotmail.com
City: Richmond
State: BC
Country: Canada
Date: 05-14-99

I'm back. Can't wait for pics of your Gargant in-progress!

Hey, whatever happened to the chap you married? Lord Zerr, I think it was... :) He too good for us now? :P

Joe McGinnis - 05/04/99 16:02:50
My Email:elijin@hotmail.com
State: North Carolina
Country: USA
Date: May 4, '99

I was wondering if you had any information on Dark Eldar pages. I'm considering trying to set one up, as I've begun to paint the devils of Commoragh for myself. Please let me know if you hear of anything. Thanks!

Milan Gnezda - 04/13/99 07:21:33
My Email:gnezda@netadvantage.com.au
City: Adelaide
State: South Australia
Country: Australia
Date: 13/4/1999

Heya folks! :) Just dropped by to say 'Howdy!' Howdy! :)

Wraithboss - 02/22/99 20:37:50
My Email:jcooke@icel.com
City: newnan
State: GA.
Country: U.S.A.
Date: 02/22/99

Most intriguing idea,the lost craftworld thing.I'd really like to write some fiction for your site, unfortunately, lack of talent and typing skills prohibit me. You've left me wanting more ! 'Boss!

Rykov - 02/15/99 12:13:04
My Email:gnezda@netadvantage.com.au
City: Adelaide
State: SA
Country: Australia
Date: Now you're making me think... Ah, Monday. :)

Howdy O' Princess of Elvenkind! :) Great website! I love it! :)

Tofer - 02/10/99 02:46:49
My Email:fwank_the_nutter@hotmail.com
City: Richmond
State: BC
Country: Canada, eh?
Date: Feb. 09/99

Finally decided to check out your site after these many months. Very nice progress so far - can't wait to see more.

Richard Irvine - 02/01/99 11:02:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/dralair
My Email:rirvine@hotmail.com
City: Liverpool
State: Merseyside
Country: UK
Date: Feb 1st 1999

I'll come back soon to see if you've added any more Wood Elf stuff.

Erik Magnus Lensherr - 10/30/98 15:21:06
My Email:livinglegend@gmx.de
City: Schramberg
Country: Germany
Date: 30,10,98

I don't like to read yellow Types on a grey Background.But I like Eldar, so your Page is OK.

10/15/98 01:16:39
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Mile'ionaha the harlequin - 10/11/98 04:06:12
My Email:dmoore8@hotmail.com
Date: 10-11-98

Hey O Princess of the Elves (Tenncon joke). cool page, I like the tempest, that is a MASSIVE tank. Can't wait for the rest of the pictures. Post some pictures of the harlequin army, would ya? I wonder what the aspects are gonna be. Keep working on it. br>

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