It is a FACT!



Now, I present ...

Do you know why you see things from your eyes, from your a point in your head?
Do you know why you feel your cloths you are wearing ?
Do you know why you feel pain when a part of your bady hurt?

That is, because you project your consciousness to your body!!

So, if you project your consciousness to a point away from your body you will have a view of your surrounding from that point. You will see your own body from that point! Then, if you project your conscioussness to the universe or the cosmic you will feel and see everything in this universe that means your consciousness will become the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is not a non sense!

This is the truth of our consciousness

Here are a few cases of Cosmic Consciousness,

The following cases taken from Alien Intelligence


     On Saturday, 9th November, a few minutes after midnight. I began to feel very ill, and by two o’clock was definitely suffering irom acute gastro-enteritis, which kept me vomiting and purging until about eight o’clock. By ten o’clock I had developed all the symptoms of very acute poisoning – intense gastro-intestinal pain, diarrhoea, pulse and respiration becoming quite impossible to count. I wanted to ring for assistance, but found I could not, and so quite placidly gave up the attempt.

     I realized I was very ill and quickly reviewed my whole financial position; thereafter at no time did my consciousness appear to me to be in any way dimmed, but I suddenly realized that my consciousness was separating from another consciousness, which was also 'me’. For the purpose of description, we could call these the A and B consciousness, and throughout what follows, the ego attached itself to the A consciousness. The B personality I recognized as belonging to the body.

     As my physical condition grew worse and the heart was fibrillating rather than beating, I realized that the B consciousness belonging to the body was beginning to show signs of becoming composite, that is, built up of consciousness from the head, the heart, the viscera, etc. These components became more individual, and the B consciousness began to disintegrate, while the A consciousness, which was now me, seemed to be altogether outside of my body, which I could see.

     Gradually I realized that I could see not only my body and the bed in which I was, but everything in the whole house and garden, and then I realized that I was seeing not only things at home, but in London and in Scotland – in fact wherever my attention was directed ... And the explanation which I received (from what source I do not know, but which I found myself calling to myself my mentor) was that I was free in a time dimension of space, wherein now was equivalent to here in the ordinary three-dimensional space of everyday life. 

     I next realized that my vision included not only things in the ordinary three-dimensional world, but also things in these four or more dimensional places that I was in...

     While I was appreciating this, the mentor, who was conveying information to me, explained that the fourth dimension was in everything existing in the three-dimensional space, and at the same time everything in the three-dimensional space existed in the fourth dimension, and also in the Fifth dimension, and I, at the time, quite clearly understood what was meant; and quite understood how now in the fourth-dimensional universe was just the same... as here in the three-dimensional universe. That is to say, a four-dimensional being was everywhere in the now. Just as one is everywhere in the here in a three-dimension view of things.

     I then realized that I myself was a condensation, as it were, in the psychic stream, a sort of cloud that was not a cloud, and the visual impression I had of myself was blue. Gradually I began to recognize people and I saw the psychic condensation attached to many... and saw quite a number that had very little...

    Just as I was beginning to grasp all these, I saw A enter my bedroom. I realized she got a terrible shock and I saw her hurry to the telephone. I saw my doctor leave his patients and come very quickly and heard him say and saw him think, 'He is nearly gone.' I heard him quite clearly speaking to me on the bed, but I was not in touch with the body and could not answer him. 

     I was really cross when he took a syringe and raidly injected my body with something which I afterward learned was camphor. As my heart began to beat more strongly, I was drawn back, and I was intensely annoyed, because I was so interested and was just beginning to understand where I was and what I was seeing. I came back into my body, really angry at being pulled back, and once back, all the clarity of vision of anything and everything disappeared, and I was just possessed of a glimmer cf consciousness which was suffused with pain.


Here is another case taken from Leaving the body


     It was a hot summer evening. I lay on the lawn in the back garden trying to get cool. The sun had almost set and I watched the planet appear. Suddenly I felt my head swelling. It seemed to increase in size until it contained the whole world: all the stars too. Everything that had ever happened or would happen was within my self. I was in my eighth year at the time, so knew little of history and nothing of religion. I saw many things, events I later learned about, also much I have as yet been able to discover from any physical source. After what seemed untold ages I became aware of my mother telling me to come inside. There was a brief glimpse of my body lying on the grass with my mother bending over it. Then I was awake feeling very bewildered. It was some time before I recovered.

     After all these years I still refer to that experience whenever I want to verify anything I hear of or read about. There is always a sense that all happenings are right and in accordance with plan.