11/18/00 01:40:33
| Comments: Why doesn't anybody write any new Tarzan novels? We have plenty of Conan books, so why not Tarzan? Does anyone know? Is it because the Burroughs estate won't let anyone do it? And what happened to the Dark Horse Tarzan comic River of Blood, are we ever gonna see the end of it? |
| Comments: I just relocated "Jewles of Opar" and would like to obtain an appraisal of same. Have no idea where to go, so thought I would try here. Feel free to contact me by 'e' or @ #89 Myers Creek Road, Oroville Wash. 98844 . Will be glad tt talk to anyone abou this book . Thanks |
| Comments: I just relocated "Jewles of Opar" and would like to obtain an appraisal of same. Have no idea where to go, so thought I would try here. Feel free to contact me by 'e' or @ #89 Myers Creek Road, Oroville Wash. 98844 . Will be glad tt talk to anyone abou this book . Thanks |
| Comments: The writer below (Curly), is correct in saying that Gordon Griffith appeared on screen as the young Tarzan before Elmo Lincoln was seen by the movie audience. But there was also a baby (whose name I have not been able to find) that appeared even earlier w o portrayed the infant Tarzan. So maybe the child should be given credit as the first film Tarzan? Actually, the actor who was first given the part of the adult Tarzan in the movie was named Winslow Wilson, and he would have been the first Ape Man, but b fore shooting began, he left the movie project in typical Burroughs' heroic fashion to join the outbreak of World War I. Lincoln was his replacement. All things considered, the first movie image of the Tarzan we all recognize as the Jungle Lord is probab y that of Elmo Lincoln. "I've been a Tarzan fan(atic) since I was about seven years old (I'm 43 not). I got started about 1964 when my mother bought me a Gold Key Tarzan comic and I now have an extensive collection with some Dell issue going back to the late 40's. Hard core Tar n fans should know that Elmo Lincoln was not the first film Tarzan, but that honor goes to Gordon Griffith." |
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| Comments: I've been a Tarzan fan(atic) since I was about seven years old (I'm 43 not). I got started about 1964 when my mother bought me a Gold Key Tarzan comic and I now have an extensive collection with some Dell issue going back to the late 40's. Hard core Tar an fans should know that Elmo Lincoln was not the first film Tarzan, but that honor goes to Gordon Griffith. |
| Comments: I've been a Tarzan fan(atic) since I was about seven years old (I'm 43 not). I got started about 1964 when my mother bought me a Gold Key Tarzan comic and I now have an extensive collection with some Dell issue going back to the late 40's. Hard core Tar an fans should know that Elmo Lincoln was not the first film Tarzan, but that honor goes to Gordon Griffith. |
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| Comments: I used to have a calander back in early 80's that had really nice artwork from certain books it may have been Frazetta...It was a great item...Can no longer find it in my possession.. Any clue??? It had a fantastic work of Tarzan and La from Opar, where c n I find another one???????? |
| Comments: Great site, I have all of them as well as some Mars and Pellucidar books in various editions, from firsts to paperbacks. Besides the first my favorites are Tarzan and the Ant Men, Tarzan & Jewels of Opar, and Tazan the Terrible. |
| Comments: I recently bought at a rummage sale two books, one is titled The Beasts of Tarzan, the other Tarzan and the Golden Lion, are these collectible? What would be their value? |
| Comments: I recently bought at a rummage sale two books, one is titled The Beasts of Tarzan, the other Tarzan and the Golden Lion, are these collectible? What would be their value? |
| Comments: I consider APES and RETURN to be the two halves of a single story. After that, I guess I'd list SON |
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| Comments: I am so intrigued by BURROUGHS'S stories and locations that i am stunned at myself for not reading his books 40 years ago at the age of 10. |
| Comments: I have a friend who has just inherited an entire collection of Tarzan books - hardbacks and paperbacks - many first editions, and multiple editions of some. Are you interested? Great site! Regards, Lorraine. |
| Comments: I'm kinda new to reading Tarzan but I've always been fascinated by the writngs and I honestly have to wonder if there's not some truth to the stories. I mean, it's like the commercial used to say IT COULD HAPPEN. Great website. Two thumbs up. |
| Comments: Liked your opening comment. Started reading ERB at age 11 with APES, collected seriously until early-mid 20's. Took about 25 years off and just came back about 6 months ago and can't get enough of it - might as well be 11 again - the sight of an old dust acket seems to work like a drug on me and I'm back in a collecting mode I haven't experienced for years. There's just something about Burroughs and his books and magazine appearances (and the art and the films) that has it all, satisfies all the senses. G ad to be back and don't feel a bit foolish about it a half-a-life later. |
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| Comments: PLEASE HELP !! I have a collection of 10 Tarzan books which I can not find a description of on any tarzan sites. My books are hardback, red binding, with black lettering on cover, published by Mc clurg, Inside on cover page is a disclaimer which states th t (pariphrasing)these books, even though there are shortages of paper and other materials due to the war effort, are printed with the approval of the government. The 10 volumes are from 1912 t0 1924. If anyone can give me some information on these volumes I would be very greatful. please contact me at mcdannald1@aol.com |
| Comments: i love tazan and his movies. |
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| Comments: Just for those who are interested, I have located a book on ebay.com, The Return of Tarzan. Check it out at: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=302910382 |
| Comments: This is the best movie of all time!!! |
| Comments: I have a first edition Tarzan of the Apes.It is an original according to your info. The W.F HAll printing company is in old english type. I am intrested in selling this book. E mail me back Please if you are interested inaquiring this book and the rest of my original tarzan.collection.also a first edition of tarzans quest.cinco@midwest.net |
| Comments: I have a first edition Tarzan of the Apes.It is an original according to your info. The W.F HAll printing company is in old english type. I am intrested in selling this book. E mail me back Please if you are interested inaquiring this book and the rest of my original tarzan collection.also a first edition of tarzans quest. |
| Comments: Fairly serious collector of all ERB works, love to trade. |
| Comments: Um livro que muito me fascinou... Fez minha imaginação vor a lugares fantasticos... |
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| Comments: Why doesn't someone make a Tarzan movie according to the novels? All of the movie Tarzans are weak and civilized compared to the beast of ERB, and most of the plots stink! |
| Comments: Why doesn't someone make a Tarzan movie according to the novels? All of the movie Tarzans are weak and civilized compared to the beast of ERB, and most of the plots stink! |
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| Comments: I am a collector of everything and anything Tarzan related. If you have something for sale do not hesitate to Email me. I live in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada). If you just want to chat or send advice on great places to buy please write. |
| Comments: Great site. Very useful. Thanks! |
| Comments: ERB has always been my favorite author. Are any of you familiar with ERBLIST and ECOF? Two on-line lists of ERB enthusiasts. |
| Comments: ERB has always been my favorite author. Are any of you familiar with ERBLIST and ECOF? Two on-line lists of ERB enthusiasts. |
| Comments: I've been a Tarzan fan for as long as I can remember, in fact sometimes I think I am Tarzan. |
| Comments: original art by marsh |
| Comments: i hope everything about Tarzan can enter Indonesia, especially comic and book about Tarzan so I can known Tarzan better. I really like Tarzan since I was child, but in Indonesia things about Tarzan is limited, so I hope Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. will conc rn about this. thank you. |
| Comments: I search the following books: Tarzan of the Apes 1914; Please E-mail me,if you have this book for sale! I wish all TARZAN - Fans in the World a happy New Year 2000 ! |
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| Comments: Comments: I search the following books: Tarzan of the Apes 1914; The Return of Tarzan 1915; The Beasts of Tarzan l916; The Son of Tarzan 1917; Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar l918; Tarzan and the Ant Men l924; Please E-Mail me! |
| Comments: looking for a tarzan thermos. |
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| Comments: I've been a Tarzan fan since 1956. To me he WAS the true hero. For him no man made laws tied him. The law of the jungle & real justice. His alter ego The Warlord of Mars, John Carter are 2 of t6he 20th Century's great characters. |
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| Comments: I have the following books and wondered if they are worth any $. Tarzan of the Apes 1914; The Return of Tarzan 1915;The Beasts of Tarzan l916;The Son of Tarzan 1917; Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar l918; Tarzan and the Ant Men l924; Thanking you in advance. SmB |
| Comments: I've been a Tarzan fan for 49 years and enjoys the books as much today as I did the first time I read them. I've got a fairly complete set of all the movies even though they always didn't dipict Tarzan as ERB wrote him. But still fun to watch. |
| Comments: I love Tarzan, and now more than ever. I am 31 years old, but that does not stop me. It is great to be a Tarzan fan these days with all those great comics being published by Dark Horse Comics, and of course the Disney movie. Can you please tell me where t find a Tarzan chat line and a news group (usenet) Thanks again Fríðrikur (faroe islands) Please visit my homepage: http://hjem.get2net.dk/guitar |
| Comments: Yes, I was about 10 years old when I began reading the Tarzan series. And I, as you so eloquently put it, lived in the trees, sometimes for days. My parents would search for me in the woods to discover me with my bow and arrows that I had made myself fr m materials I found in the woods. Your site has brought back a lot of fond memories of that part of my childhood. Thank You |
| Comments: Have a 1935 addition of "Tarzan" pop-up book for sale. Looking for a buyer. |
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| Comments: Do you know anyone who has copies of the 1976-80 Tarzan Lord of the Jngle cartoon, and would be willing to copy or sell them? |
| Comments: Am always looking for firsts to upgrade my collection. |
| Comments: Nice site. I am more into Tarzan movies than the books. If there are any other Aussies (I am in Sydney) who visit this site & would like to swap tarzan/bomba movies, please contact me. |
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| Comments: I am trying to find information on the various Tarzan cover illustrators. Does anyone know anything about Clinton Pettee who painted the first Tarzan for the 1912 All-Story edition? And does anyone know where I could find the original All-Story pulp maga ine? Or the original painting? |
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| Comments: I've been a fan since 1947, and now have a complete collection of all Tarzan books, including four first editions (including "Tarzan of the Apes"). |
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| Comments: The coolest web page ive been to in awhile! Very professional. An absolute must for any tarzan fan. |
| Comments: Iwish tarzan was a real character and my friend |
| Comments: Love the Tarzan books. Is there anyone else out there who feels like I do, that there hasn't been a decent Tarzan or Tarzan movie yet??? Would like to hear from other fans, especially those who feel the same as I do about the movies. |
| Comments: I'm just here for a project from school, good page though I don't really care for Tarzan |
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Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
09/18/98 21:04:36
| Comments: Hey! |
| Comments: cool site I finally got a chance to look around |
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| Comments: Nice web site. Especially for Tarzan fans. Good work. |
| Comments: Would like to talk to any ERB fans - e-mail me |
| Comments: Excellent work!!! I have really enjoyed my visit here. This site is a must to be bookmarked! |
| Comments: we have 7 Tarzan books dating back to 1914 these books are in good condition other than discoloration of pages due to age. Are there any collectors of these types of books |
| Comments: 06/28/98 02:54:15
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